Russian Collusion Hoax Further Verified....


So the Steele Dossier was backed by Steele, a person of incredible poor repute...and the "unnamed source" that Steele got his information from was...wait for it...

A Russian agent that worked for a Democratic Think tank.

Rosenstein, Mueller, Wray, Comey, and others had to have known.

Incredible. They put the country and a Presidency through 3 years of hell.
bambino's Avatar
There was enough evidence it was a hoax from day one.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And Sean Hannity knew it from day one and said it everyday for over 3 years. I can almost feel the blood pressure go up in the leftist. They know it's true but would rather die than admit it.

I don't see how Wrey can come out of this as anything but a collaborator. He has been sitting on all these documents for years now. What possible excuse could he possibly have other than trying to cover them up?
matchingmole's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the dossier reads exactly like what it is. 4th rate pulp fiction. they could have done better plagiarizing Fleming's Bond novels for material.

and yet there are many TDS idiots that are convinced every word in the dossier is absolute fact. like FTW=WTF.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And Sean Hannity knew it from day one and said it everyday for over 3 years. I can almost feel the blood pressure go up in the leftist. They know it's true but would rather die than admit it.

I don't see how Wrey can come out of this as anything but a collaborator. He has been sitting on all these documents for years now. What possible excuse could he possibly have other than trying to cover them up? Originally Posted by HedonistForever

he was trying to protect the institution that is the FBI. He failed.

He was trying to protect a broken agency.

you don't try to protect a broken agency, you reform it so that it doesn't do that sort of shit again. He did neither. sounds like he wants that practice of dirty tricks to continue.

Wray should be fired.