Child support really distroy faimly

Ripmany's Avatar
Especially when the non custodial parent want to be in child life but can't because the other parrents pushes back to make sure there get as much money as possible.
Any thoughts please reply.
Just pay the Child Support and quit pushing your luck.
  • UHB
  • 07-19-2020, 09:59 PM
did you have sperm stolen in what known as nothing free everything paid for
Ripmany's Avatar
did you have sperm stolen in what known as nothing free everything paid for Originally Posted by UHB
You pay to see the child when see them, as said any one who trying to be there child life.
Especially when the non custodial parent want to be in child life but can't because the other parrents pushes back to make sure there get as much money as possible.
Any thoughts please reply. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Feminists and leftists destroyed the family.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Feminists and leftists destroyed the family. Originally Posted by friendly fred

Yeah.. no, this isn't accurate. We've only had two Presidents who had been divorced... both Republicans. Our current Commander In Chief is thrice married and has admitted to cheating on every spouse he has had. We have just as many cheating scandals on the right as we do on the left. For every single mother you can show me in the inner city Democratic rolls.. I can show you one in the rural Republican rolls.

Neither party has the corner market on moral high ground when it comes to destruction of the family. Divorce rate hovers between 60-70%... and that goes UP for subsequent marriages.
Yeah.. no, this isn't accurate. We've only had two Presidents who had been divorced... both Republicans. Our current Commander In Chief is thrice married and has admitted to cheating on every spouse he has had. We have just as many cheating scandals on the right as we do on the left. For every single mother you can show me in the inner city Democratic rolls.. I can show you one in the rural Republican rolls.

Neither party has the corner market on moral high ground when it comes to destruction of the family. Divorce rate hovers between 60-70%... and that goes UP for subsequent marriages. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Your points are completely valid but I was really tackling the issue from the culture angle as in the leftists and feminists undermine the family being a solid and time tested institution in spite of all its flaws and flawed people in them, and without families our society is shaky.

Feminism has undermined the family because many women have abandoned their traditional roles and men have not taken them up very enthusiastically but many of the things stay home mothers performed were essential and bedrock elements of keeping a society meaningful.

Leftists attack every element of traditional families and society and frankly, I see no point in getting married these days anyway - what's in it for a man? Our country is also so fucked up now anyway who would want to fight and die for it and protect it?

A woman and a man getting together and staying together should benefit them both more or less equitably and if your wife isn't going to take care of shit around the house and keep the family together then why get tied up with all the reciprocal obligations?
Grace Preston's Avatar
Feminism isn't as responsible for women abandoning traditional roles as capitalism is (and I'm not against capitalism). Its nearly impossible for a typical nuclear family to get by on one income these days... making it a necessity for women to be in the work force-- even those who would prefer to be stay at home moms.

I got into this profession because my ex husband bailed-- and I wanted to be a present parent as much as possible. I had been a stay at home mom.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yeah.. no, this isn't accurate. We've only had two Presidents who had been divorced... both Republicans. Our current Commander In Chief is thrice married and has admitted to cheating on every spouse he has had. We have just as many cheating scandals on the right as we do on the left. For every single mother you can show me in the inner city Democratic rolls.. I can show you one in the rural Republican rolls.

Neither party has the corner market on moral high ground when it comes to destruction of the family. Divorce rate hovers between 60-70%... and that goes UP for subsequent marriages. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

actually, its 3 presidents.
no one tells the truth as to why we are in a two must work family and no capitalism is not the reason, it was women entering the workforce driving wages low and reducing the number of jobs and increasing the workforce.

If you are a right leaning, anti immigration, anti illegal, they take our jobs american, then the thought of 25 million illegals working for less wages is keeping you down, or preventing capitalism from raising wages due to too many available workers..... imagine women entering the workforce, 70 million women available to take your jobs.

before WW2 there were aproximately 35M women working, secretaries, nurses, phone operators, teachers and waitresses. During and after WW2 you got your women in droves working manufacturing jobs. 105M women in the workforce over the last 50 years. Imagine 5 times more illegals taking your jobs !!!

Women did it to themselves, they must now work like men.

Marriage is a joke, it has no legal binding advantage for your average man, any guy who gets married is literally giving 50% of his stuff away to a woman he chooses.... a woman can divorce a man for any reason, even if he is faithful and 100% committed to the relationship and she is an unfaithful gutterslut. The courts side with the women in most cases due to the man earning more money.

As for child support, get another job, the court doesn't care if you have money to enjoy life, pay for your kid. Work 2 or 3 jobs, increase your education and self worth, be useful and productive. most who cry about child support are paying for their nicotine addiction, their alcoholism or drug addiction, you get no sympathy for repeated poor life choices, you are not worthy of an enjoyable American dream.
LexusLover's Avatar
Neither party has the corner market on moral high ground when it comes to destruction of the family. Divorce rate hovers between 60-70%... and that goes UP for subsequent marriages. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Do you see only single persons?
LexusLover's Avatar
actually, its 3 presidents. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
She doesn't count the Democratic Presidents who just cheat on their wives .... recently did in the "house" while his wife was "at home"!
Grace Preston's Avatar
She doesn't count the Democratic Presidents who just cheat on their wives .... recently did in the "house" while his wife was "at home"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Was he divorced? No. I said DIVORCED since that is directly linked to the topic above. And no-- I don't only see single men (technically I don't see anyone these days-- I've been inactive for over a year) , but I'm also not running for office nor am I trying to claim that the "Feminist Leftists" are to blame for the fabric of the family tearing apart.... I mean, this board alone should be evidence enough for anyone that its both sides of the political spectrum that cannot keep it in their pants.

There have been 2 Presidents with divorces under their belts-- Reagan and Trump. There's been at least one widower President who remarried... there have been countless Presidents with varying levels of infidelity while in office, with the two worst being Clinton and Taft... once again-- evenly split down party lines. (Clinton had an affair IN the damn White House--- Taft had an illegitimate child while in office).
LexusLover's Avatar
Was he divorced? No. I said DIVORCED since that is directly linked to the topic above. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
And you perceive CHEATING on a spouse as not relative to divorces?

BTW: You forgot Kennedy ... he was fucking in the White House also.

With all due respect ... being able to sell pussy is not an intelligence quotient factor.

By the same consideration ... neither is buying pussy.
Feminism isn't as responsible for women abandoning traditional roles as capitalism is (and I'm not against capitalism). Its nearly impossible for a typical nuclear family to get by on one income these days... making it a necessity for women to be in the work force-- even those who would prefer to be stay at home moms.

I got into this profession because my ex husband bailed-- and I wanted to be a present parent as much as possible. I had been a stay at home mom. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
In many ways an effective choice...