If you are experiencing...

... nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, fever, and/or sneezing, etc... Please, reschedule your appt.

I am a very nice person but, just as you expect me to be healthy when seeing you, please be healthy when seeing me. I would never penalize anyone for playing safe.

You will be immediately asked to leave (no, I will not keep your donation... this is not a scam) and, I will not see you ever again if you show not to care for my safety and for the safety of my other guests.


ughh!!!.. shame you would have to post that baby.... that should just be common sense huh!?!?
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
That is such BS! How fucking rude can you be to show up for something so intimate and put someone elses health in jeopardy! Guess it is the same types that I had to post for on my ad regularly about cleanliness as a whole. It is a damn shame you should have to post this, Camille.

ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 10-24-2014, 08:56 AM
Upon arrival please call 911......you know this really ticks me off....why show up and interact with another person when you are sick..... its like saying "well if I have it, hell let them be ill too".....Now, on the same note. ...anyone comming from "abroad" should be checked in a high priority level and stop malecious individuals spread whatever they have or bringing with them.....dam it makes me angry!!
And here I was worried about having bad breath and gas when I see a gal.

Nothing worse than seeing a Provider who is sick and hiding the symptoms. Have had 2 providers share the Flu with me in the past and when I asked them about it when I was bed ridden with 104 temp they admitted they had it but they had to make a living. Evil Bitches.
It is inexcusable for a provider to work sick. If she does, you should be really worried about what else she's not concerned about. It's like going to the ER and, just because they are busy, they put you in a dirty room that was used by someone who had a transmissible disease. Would you go back? What kind of person does that??

Rant over.

TemptationTammie's Avatar
Sometimes sneezing can't be helped when molds are high, but that is allergies.
But being sick is completely different. I would rather have a guy cancel on me saying 'sorry, but I may have a cold' or 'not feeling 100% today'.
But seriously, with this ebola virus, we need to take extra care of our health and extra precautions when dealing with intimate encounters.
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 10-24-2014, 11:37 AM
Not a bad reminder a'tall, CF69. Visited a beautiful and well known provider about six months ago. She didn't look too well and when I got close could tell she was fevering. Put my hand up to her forehead and she sure was hot. Called off the appt. Brought her lunch and some supplies, but I wanted outta there until she was better. Wouldn't someone know if they're ill? One would think.
Sometimes sneezing can't be helped when molds are high, but that is allergies.
But being sick is completely different. I would rather have a guy cancel on me saying 'sorry, but I may have a cold' or 'not feeling 100% today'.
But seriously, with this ebola virus, we need to take extra care of our health and extra precautions when dealing with intimate encounters. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie

I agree. Ppl who suffer from allergies know they are suffering from allergies vs something else. I do. The sneezing is in context with other symptoms.
mayorcastro's Avatar
So Ebola is a no go , eh?
So Ebola is a no go , eh? Originally Posted by mayorcastro

Not sexy.

Its a very serious issue when even doctors are dumb enough to hop on a subway, then go bowling after coming from an Ebola sicken country.
These doctors are not thinking logically I hope you guys are using common sense when visiting us women.
FYI anyone in Dallas be extra careful, thats only 6 hrs away.
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 10-24-2014, 07:03 PM
Had the same experience last year with a provider. .....she had just got home from the hospital sick as hell with suppose the flu.....and here she was with me...I just flipped her over doggie style......but hell she said she needed to work....dam stupid me thinking with the other head.....again!!!......well all turned out well....I didn't get ill....but the stupid chance I took. ...dam I am stupid!
pickupkid's Avatar
I had a provider and she had a fever .....got the hell out of there.
That is such BS! How fucking rude can you be to show up for something so intimate and put someone elses health in jeopardy! Guess it is the same types that I had to post for on my ad regularly about cleanliness as a whole. It is a damn shame you should have to post this, Camille.

XOXO Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
What I want to know, Camille, is: Who's the schmuck who puked all over the carpet at your incall?

Seriously, though, I couldn't have put it better than KKA.