Risk tolerance. Are you an easy prey?

An eye-opener...


I know many will say that screening is all smoke and mirrors, that the safety one gets from screening is an illusion, that all a hobbyist needs in order to hobby is the company of Mr. Benjamin. Well...

All I hope is that the ladies make a firm choice of not becoming the "low hanging fruit" by skipping screening, by deviating from protocol if finding themselves in need of cash.

A predator will look for easy, quick, low visibility targets. By placing a few speed bumps on the road, you are no longer the easiest target. You are no longer convenient. Unfortunately, for someone else, he will move to the next. Only you know the right balance between screening AND accessibility your clients need to have to you in order for you to make money.

Gents, do your research as well. As exciting as it may be to take off ahead of everyone else, it is no fun to be the guy who gets t-boned at the intersection because someone didn't stop at the red light...

We all take risks. Before you invest, what is YOUR risk tolerance?


ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 10-26-2014, 05:55 AM
It's a shame that preadoters from either species prey on one another at all levels. ...weather its bait and switch and or taking the funds to physical harm to the lesser weaker of the species. Darn I hate taking advantage of people and it pisses me off when they do it to me.....I am harmless...."I wouldn't even hurt a fly!" On another subject. ... prostitutes are street walkers.....right?....Darn I love all the beautiful beauties on this site!
mayorcastro's Avatar
There is a shitload of low hanging fruit on Moco. Shit, 20 bitches from there could just vanish and you'd never hear about it
It's a shame that preadoters .... Originally Posted by ttmax
There is a shitload of low hanging fruit on Moco. Shit, 20 bitches from there could just vanish and you'd never hear about it Originally Posted by mayorcastro
Things that make you go.......
ck1942's Avatar
Thanks, Camille, for an always timely reminder!
Robertogorgeous's Avatar
Thanks Camile 4 this post. It is extremely important that various forms of screening take for both the safety of client & provider. It is a more wicked world we live in especially "us" to just go with a gut instinct. And definitely would respect the provider more 4 doing so. I'm new to this lifestyle and have a reputation that I have to earn and definitely starts with Trust but Verify. Love u and my respects u r beautiful