Help me understand

Chepano's Avatar
I am a 50 year old retied administrative law judge. I have no delusions about this site, or what I want. My contentions are that: Why should I pay for peripheral options that really do not help me as a consumer.
The pay sites like TER, P411, ect in my opinion do not help, and they simply add to the cost of getting what I want.
I have none of these issues with BackPage, because it is what it is. I can and receive treatment like a king from 2 young ladies for $$$, whereas this would be impossible through any of the pay for verification sites, how is that a good deal for me?
You do not have, a magic box , and I do not want to pay more than I have to to get what I want out of a business transaction.
For me money really is not an issue, but over paying is an service, is no longer an option. How can you Justify $400 with attitude plus, as apposed to one hour at $160 without any drama/ attitude???
plainjoe's Avatar
It's like buying a car...Yugo or a Toyota/Chevy or Lexus/Cadillac/BMW - all gets you from point A to B, it's the experience driving from Point A to B. Paying for the verification sites allows us (guys) to ensure that the ladies that we meet are safe and not in the Yugo category. For the ladies, it also puts them at ease knowing that we are verified. This site and ThE otheR board allows us (and ladies) to do research on the ladies - do they provide what we want in a session? Their likes and dis-likes, etc. All part of doing research. Good luck and keep up the good inputs - Stay safe!
Chepano's Avatar
So let me get this correct pimp...I pay upfront $129 for one year of P411, and $250 up front for TER or $379.00 with nothing to show for it. I then have to pay to travel for a in call, give up all of my personal information, and then pay upwards of $350 for the encounter making me out of pocket $1000.00 and all of my personal information, just on good faith. But if I use Backpage, no verification travel less, pay less and get the same thing. Your BS car analogy does not make any sense, but that is typical. I can and will for the foreseeable future have two good looking girls without verification, treated like a king for one hour, no drama, for $300.00 within 20 mins of my front door, or at a savings of $700.00 or two more trips.I say to you GTFOH with your BS car story. HELL NO I WONT PAY MORE FOR LESS!
plainjoe's Avatar
Based on your response and lack of ability to do basic research, I will cease to respond to your future inputs. Good luck.
passionatemichelle's Avatar
I am a 50 year old retied administrative law judge. I have no delusions about this site, or what I want. My contentions are that: Why should I pay for peripheral options that really do not help me as a consumer.
The pay sites like TER, P411, ect in my opinion do not help, and they simply add to the cost of getting what I want.
I have none of these issues with BackPage, because it is what it is. I can and receive treatment like a king from 2 young ladies for $$$, whereas this would be impossible through any of the pay for verification sites, how is that a good deal for me?
You do not have, a magic box , and I do not want to pay more than I have to to get what I want out of a business transaction.
For me money really is not an issue, but over paying is an service, is no longer an option. How can you Justify $400 with attitude plus, as apposed to one hour at $160 without any drama/ attitude??? Originally Posted by Chepano
You really don't need to pay for ter, to get enough info from the reviews to know the girl is safe, maybe to get all the juicy details but if you're comfortable going off bp with really no info then I would guess the basic details on TER would be enough for you. P411 is a good site for the ladies because we pretty much know when a guy contacts us from there he's safe, and the ok's just add to that. On BP you will find some gems, (I advertise there more than anywhere else because its where I get the most calls) but you will also find the most rip offs there, that's why I always advise guys to read reviews or at least google the number if there's something bad out there most likely you will come across it by googling the number.
omakase's Avatar
Chepano, I think you've found a comfortable bubble and routine out in Manassas. No need to get hostile with us city folk. If you suddenly had an influx of high end ladies in your neck of the woods, then you might understand the Members Only premiums.

Think of Costco. Yeah, you could go to Walmart and it's probably just as cheap. But Costco offers a lot more advantages even if you had to pay the annual membership fee. And sometimes you want exclusivity, name brand, and quality assurance.
Lariyah_Cash's Avatar

You really don't need to pay for ter, to get enough info from the reviews to know the girl is safe, maybe to get all the juicy details but if you're comfortable going off bp with really no info then I would guess the basic details on TER would be enough for you. P411 is a good site for the ladies because we pretty much know when a guy contacts us from there he's safe, and the ok's just add to that. On BP you will find some gems, (I advertise there more than anywhere else because its where I get the most calls) but you will also find the most rip offs there, that's why I always advise guys to read reviews or at least google the number if there's something bad out there most likely you will come across it by googling the number. Originally Posted by passionatemichelle