Tired so... RETIRED

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar

It's been a good run for the majority of the last six and a half years but the last year just about soured even the best memories. Time to move on! My brain is stagnating, my love for others more halting, my distrust has grown and disgust for time wasters, hustlers and bull shitters has become overwhelming.

To those friends who were and still are true blue, I'll see you around. This world wasn't the only thing linking our lives. Some fellas will remain friends for a long time. A few ladies are real friends, too. Most won't read this and that's fine by me.

Take care & have fun out there!
Whispers's Avatar
Good Bye and Good Luck! It's a hard life to leave behind for many.

I wish you success in your pursuits.
Sad to hear this Kat , hope I'm one if the friends you speak of .
Good luck !
MARTlAN's Avatar
Good luck.
Best of luck to you, even though we never met.
sue_nami's Avatar
dang girl. I was really looking forward to meeting you. you seemed extra cool and fun. enjoy yourself.
knotty man's Avatar
already missing you.
in honor of of this great providers passing
all ladies: for the next year i shall wear only black condoms
ozmosys's Avatar
Good luck Kat!
Tatonka's Avatar
Best of luck to you.
I hope that the future holds good things for you!
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 10-21-2012, 02:10 AM

You're kind of a legend. I knew you in a previous incarnation a few years back and you were awesome.

I hope life brings you only good things! Good luck to you!!
gstud's Avatar
  • gstud
  • 10-21-2012, 07:41 AM
Kat! Good luck on your future endeavors! A true legend.

Kat, Good Luck with whatever's next.
We miss you already.
Good luck!
I for one am very proud of you. Now go use some of those other great non hobby related talents that I know you possess and enjoy a far more rewarding life my friend.

We all deserve the best of what life has to offer and the hobby aint' it as far as long term exposure goes.

I've always said the key to success in the hobby for both providers and mongers is to only use it up until the point that it begins to use us. Unfortunately just like with gambling most refuse to see that line because they're ahead and continue playing the game until they end up flat busted and used up.

You have lots more going for you than this anyway.
Au revoir, Kat. We never met, but I'm sorry to see you leave on a sour note. I hope your future pursuits will be more rewarding than this last year has apparently been. Best of luck.