Sorry Austin

I won't be able to make it out for a bit. I was in a really bad wreck on my way home from my last visit. I was 10 min.... 10 MIN!!!! Away from home and someone else and I decided to use the same lane at the same time haha. It obvi didn't work to well, Both I and the other person were fine. My car's alignment is out of place and realllly unsafe to drive. There's also like an uber amount of body damage. So I shall be at home until insurance fixes it! & YAY for full coverage!!! Sorry gents. Stay safe.
<3 SB

I thought it was appropriate LMFAO, I have a sick since of humor
Glad you're ok .
Hope you are feeling better.
Whispers's Avatar
they took your "hitting it" pic a little too literally don't ya think?
Whispers's Avatar
If it helps, I'll send a car to pick you up and bring you back home afterwards, as well as return you afterwards.....

Austin needs a few more like you darlin....
Thanks babe!!!I LOVE LOVE LOVE Austin! You guys are soo cool
Gameman99's Avatar
Glad your safe babe!! Their are some really bad drivers out on the road!! Same thing almost happened to me not to long ago. By inches!!! Take care!!
AsianLayla's Avatar
I am glad you are ok
gosborne38's Avatar
So you really are a girl that can stop traffic.
Glad to hear nobody is hurt. Stay safe.