Arizona Outcall - Final Results

Looks like been almost a year since did update on this case from 2013 indictments of 6

Shane the owner pled to two felonies:
Illegal control of an enterprise- sentenced to 3 years probation and a $25,000 fine.
Attempting to operate a house of prostitution - sentenced to 9 months in prison.
In presentence report noted his business during the 5-month investigation took in about $500,000 from sex of his gals that typically cost $600 to $800. A portion was "tipped" to the dispatchers.

Without taking the time to research all the gals, some got very light misdemeanors like disorderly conduct and sentenced to 9 months probation.

Dispatchers Kristin and Jami took pleas.

Jami claims in presentence report that she only worked dispatching for his Maxim Limo company which had non-escort customers. She came to Maxim with 25 years of dispatch experience. She feels unfairly treated since spend 3 months in jail while others were able to raise bail and get released during proceedings. She had lots of letters of support at sentencing including someone who had known her for 40 years. Jami took a plea for solicitation to commit illegal control of enterprise a class 6 felony. Sentenced to 6 months probation.

Kendra pled to employment in prostitution a class 1 misdemeanor and sentenced to 9 months probation.

Sheila pled to disorderly conduct and sentenced to 1-year probation.