Amazing Spa Tempe Bust Update

Amazing Spa Tempe Update
Raid was in May with a lot of media attention as a sex trafficking ring with women from China and Korea after a 10 month investigation. ABC15 and others noted: "Men from all over the Valley would visit the parlor and pay for sex. Police say many of the customers have been identified, and more will be identified as the investigation continues to unfold."

4 were indicted on various criminal enterprise related charges. Angela, Rex and Kyong had $50,000 bail, Wai reduced to $9000. Most or all on supervised release after posting bail. It appears all consenting adults.

State has noticed four times trial evidence from 1700 pages of initial discovery, then 3200 pages more, many hours of video and audio surveillance and more to come.

1st Disclosure included 16 Tempe police, 2 special agents from AG office, 28 other witnesses, 5 custodian of records and 1 "victim - State of AZ.

Document include GPS vehicle tracking, 4 undercover phone calls from 2/2016, Escort reviews, many ads, rupmap reviews, lots more reviews without showing source, Verizon records, bank records from Bank of America and JP Morgan, Ads on BP, Google calls and more.

35 search warrants were executed including at Spa on S. Rural Rd, 4 other locations and 5 autos including a 2016 Mercedes.

2nd Disclosure notice added 27 Tempe police, 1 special agent from Homeland Security, 4 Phoenix police including the female detective that is almost always involved in these cases who usually goes in to apply for a job and is very good getting one. 16 more from AG office special investigators,1 Arizona State Univ police officer and 21 more witnesses probably many of them customers. Also 3 confidential informants.

3rd Disclosure 9/13/2016 had 2 more Phx police, 1 more witness, a non-indicted employee, 62 more documents and witness interviews

4th Disclosure 10/5/2016 had 10 more Tempe police 4 from AG office, 8 Phx PD, 9 more witnesses, 4 more from COR (I forgot what initials meant) and 108 more documents and records.

Next hearing 11/16 - just the usual routine matters so far.

Our tax dollars at work fighting private consenting adults.

Reading some review highlights:
Ask if you are police which of course is the dumbest ever question to ask. Medium rated clean place. Reports indicate sex available for a tip of $140-$180, door fee of $70/hr or a hand job for tip of $40. Very easy to bust. Limited English skills. Sometimes 5 woman at a time on a shift, so appears only some were indicted and others may used as witnesses. Most or all reported to be in 20s.