Strip Club Liquor License Issues etc.

Strip Club Liquor License Issues etc.

Hi-Liter too soon for info on latest raid however:
1) License up for renewal on 1/31/2017 which may be why the attention and now the very restrictive policies.
2) 5/6/2016 fined $4000 for Prohibited Acts.
3) 5/6/2016 fined $4000 for Solicitation for Prostitution.
4) 4/28/2016 ticket for Employee intoxicated / disorderly on duty.

9/10/2016 fined $1500 for Failure to protect the safety of patrons.
9/10/2016 fined $1500 for Employee intoxicated / disorderly on duty.

T&A (on Central).
8/26/2015 ticket for Accepting unauthorized I'd's.

Liquor License Transfer Applications.

Pink Rhino Cabaret 11/2016 granted liquor license transfer from Stray Cat Bar and Grill in Tempe. After continued from prior month agenda due to City of Phoenix disapproval and public protest.

T&A. Exotica 10/2016 Big fight over application to transfer license from T&A on Grand Ave to Exotica Gentlemen Club at same of address (change of owner). City of Phoenix objected and represented by a City Prosecutor. Based on mutual agreement the application for change of ownership of license was withdrawn and the interim permit terminated.

T&A Cabaret III (2348 E McDowell) City of Phoenix disapproved and was supported to deny by a City Prosecutor, a female detective. By mutual agreement the license transfer application was withdrawn.

Great Alaskan Bush Co. Liquor dept protested application supported by two Asst Attorney Generals who provided the board legal advice. By mutual agreement the "agent change" application was with drawn.

Bandaids. In 2015 big fight for change of control related to the Trust of James and Timothy Z. Timothy withdrew application and then considered for 100% transfer of control just to James Z. City of Phoenix objected based on issues with Timothy and not James. Then ownership of the JZ Liquor (doing business as Bandaids) was filed with the Corporation Commission to have only James as owner. After filing and proof of ownership change the City of Phoenix withdrew its objection. It was noted that James has a history of owning at least four licenses, with no violations at least since 2004. Transfer of control was approved.

Dave notes looks like 4700 LLC has five family member trustees of their own Trusts last name Z., Frank, Patrick, William, Robert, James and Timothy. 4700 LLC owns office building next to Hi-Liter and another company (Dow) owns the Hi-Liter and another adjacent property per County Recorder records showing the Z. Ownership as well as a couple in Tucson.

Doing a bit of research on family with somewhat unique foreign looking Z. Last name. Oh boy. Matching first middle and last names and from Phoenix Patrick was arrested after he shot and killed a Tucson police officer in 1996. Police said Z. Was in Tucson the night before the shooting to help his wife, who works at Curves Cabaret. He was already on parole for a prior federal drug felony after serving 12 years in prison. He claimed his wife owned the gun. He claimed he shot the police officer in self-defense. The police officer wearing dark clothing and a ski mask (assume undercover) got out of car and confronted Z. With a revolver. Z. reached into his truck for his gun and a shootout erupted. Police don't know who fired first, but both did. Police officer was shot in the head, killing him. Patrick was held in Phoenix on a parole violation. Felon having a weapon. (Source: Tucson Citizen).

In 2005 there was a big controversy when the Z. Family made a $4000 donation to New Mexico Appeals Court candidate that prompted a judicial complaint. The Abqjournal reports 4700 LLC of Phoenix, is controlled by the Z. Family. "Family members control other companies that operate topless nightclubs in Arizona and New Mexico. " It names the same family members and the felony and shooting of a cop in Tucson adding that the police officer A. Who Patrick Z. Shot once investigated a topless club in Tucson where Z. Worked. It also references the earlier drug charges from Flagstaff.

"The Republican Party realizes that it is not illegal for Judge V. To accept campaign contributions from convicted criminals," the complaint said. "We do question, however, why Judge V. Received a $4,000 contribution from an Arizona family with such strong ties to the underworld of drug dealing and a police killing. ".

A. (the dead cop) was off-duty, wearing dark clothing, a bullet-proof vest and carrying a gun that hadn't been issued by the police department. A. 's shoes were wrapped in duct tape and the license plate had been removed from his unmarked police car. Z. 's federal parole was revoked for carrying a pistol and he served an additional five months in prison. Neither of the two brothers with felony convictions are listed as officers or directors of the topless bars, according to state liquor license records in Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico liquor records show that Frank, Timothy, James and Vincent Z. Lease the liquor license and building for TD's Showclub.

For the prior criminal enterprise / drug case Patrick appealed all way to the 9th Circuit but lost: 954 F. 2 d 728 (9th Cir. 1992).

Appears that brother Robert Z. Was also sentenced to 13 years for drugs and criminal enterprise selling cocaine at Northern Arizona University via Granny's Closet Bar and Restaurant, which the brothers owned in Flagstaff. Looks like they had another brother Brain (son of Frank) sadly died at age 47 who lived in Phoenix but from Flagstaff.

Heat Cabaret (2438 E MacDowell) sought license transfer from Ox Sportsbar (3209 E Pinchot). This goes back to 2015 with various continuances. City of Phoenix disapproved. The Reverend J. M. And I. M appeared on behalf of the applicant. The City was represented by tow Asst City Prosecutors. Was an error in the application and went to executive session for legal advice. The objection based on application error was overruled as was a motion based on a notice requirement. Applicant testified he changed the business sign, added traffic signs, upgraded outdoor lighting and upgraded the security. He testified he attended a Neighborhood Association meeting where they voted to approve the license.

On cross-examination he explained prior violations at Locas Showclub and Bottoms Up Gentlemen's Club.

I. M. Who lived behind the club testified applicant had worked with the neighborhood and has been responsive to her requests. Also two other neighbors supported the applicant.

There was board debate. License was denied by a 4-1 vote, based on errors in application, response to City's questions and history of liquor license violations at other locations. There was a high crime rate in the area and protests by other residents against the applicant.