"what the fuck is this" thread posting pics an asking what the fuck i this or that

"what the fuck is this" thread posting pics an asking what the fuck i this or that

any one use one of these?
what the fuck does it all do?

mm-good's Avatar
"what the fuck is this" thread posting pics an asking what the fuck i this or that

Originally Posted by Sabrina Sofia
Looks like "Cupping" an ancient Chinese treatment
Not to be confused with the cupping generally sought here on eccie 😉
Yes, that is cupping. As far as I know it has no sexual overtones. It is used in Chinese medicine to promote blood flow to the skin or something. They heat the globe then apply it to the skin. As the air inside the globe cools it contracts, forming a partial vacuum inside the globe which then makes it stick to the skin. I had it done to me during an acupuncture session. Can't say that it did anything, but it wasn't painful or uncomfortable.
mm-good's Avatar
any one use one of these?
what the fuck does it all do?

Originally Posted by Sabrina Sofia

I have not used one but it's what you can use when your 3rd does not show up-lol!

...of course, there are many other creative alternatives as well 😜
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Let's keep on topic, please.

Cupping. Fire play.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Psycho hose beasts?
tia travels's Avatar
Let's keep on topic, please.

Cupping. Fire play.

EW Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I think she is on topic (for the thread....just not the forum). The subject line reads, "What the fuck is this" thread posting pics an asking what the fuck i this or that"

All of these pics you can actually say..."WTF". Like that woman who left her kids in the car after the crash. Like Spiderman falling from the building the wrong way. All fit the WTF subject line, but not all the pics she's posting are relevant to the ANOTHER REALM forum. So some of her WTF pics should go in a different forum...ie... comedy central....under a new subject line of "WTF".
Gotyour6's Avatar
Someone of their meds?