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  • Masky
  • 05-30-2016, 01:29 PM
I notice that in several reviews I'll read about how the guy got a special discount, or they paid for a half hour but stayed for like 3 full hours, that they don't watch the clock, or the provider was comfortable enough to actually become friends, or in some cases does certain things for them but not for everyone. But when I go to see that very same provider, I feel like I'm just some regular client, nothing special. And I can definitely see their eyes on the clock.
What is it that these other guys do that I'm apparently not doing? It seems that there is always YMMV and I always seem to get the least mileage.
Hi from reading your reviews can i ask how old you are and is the first time you ever did anything with a girl really was with Sasha? No judgment we all start somewhere trying to get more info thanks
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  • Masky
  • 05-31-2016, 05:45 AM
31. And yes the first time I've done anything with a girl was with Sasha.
wow. Sasha popped your cherry? I wish I had had someone like her to pop mine. lol.
Ok i will give you some major points later today and a details to help you out . First off take down your avatar and that gif its creepy not trying to be mean just help you out you can't be creepy at all with women
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  • Masky
  • 05-31-2016, 12:28 PM
wow. Sasha popped your cherry? I wish I had had someone like her to pop mine. lol. Originally Posted by mrjaxson
I can see that. But I'd personally would rather have had it popped by someone I didn't have to pay and done it way earlier in life.
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  • Masky
  • 05-31-2016, 12:34 PM
Ok i will give you some major points later today and a details to help you out . First off take down your avatar and that gif its creepy not trying to be mean just help you out you can't be creepy at all with women Originally Posted by Beetle19
Thanks for the advice. But as far as the avi and gif, the providers I've seen either don't know my eccie handle or if they had, I didn't have this avi and gif at the time. So just saying, I don't think that's was a deterring factor.

But yeah looking forward to the major detailed points later. I appreciate the help. It's probably something I'm doing and/or not doing with my interactions with them.
It takes a little time buddy, i always try to show as much respect and kindness as I can and treat each lady with respect. I am a big dude, not obese but just large and I know some girls at first sight are skeptical but I'm a funny Fukker and a gentleman and they warm up quickly. Hope this helps and yea the avatar is a little sketchy... Just saying. Good luck and hang in there,
Ok here is some lessons anyone else is free to chime in and some experience so you dont have to learn the hard way.
Firstly most guys dont understand that the vast majority of women have felt threatened or had a guy do something that they did not want done to them.
Alot of men dont take rejection well if a woman doesn't want to talk with them or date them they will call them names call or message them alot and harass them. Or threatening them. they will show up at where she stays and all kinds of other creepy shit.
Now thats just normal girls. These women get that all that shit alot more and its dangerous its your job to make them know your not going to do something bad a screening only gives them a little protection.
So keep all that i just said when your talking with any girl even normal ones.
And having first hand experience of someone who wont leave you alone and witnessed violent men as a child nobody should feel that way.
Now that i have that out of the way
First thing i noticed in your reviews no daty its all about what you want when your with the girls and some of that is because you got a late start you need to be learning how to interact with women on your dates get them to teach you how to do stuff the way they like go on the internet and watch instruction videos not porn so you can learn learn about the parts of the body. If you show no concern about them having fun why would they treat you special.
If you ask them to do something and they say no drop it for a few months until you have seen them a few times and ask politely again if they say no again dont ask any more.

Now when your talking on the phone/text with women and this is for any woman text a few times to get thier attention like 2 Topps don't text 5 times and she hasn't responded and if it takes 5 hours or a day dont keep texting let her respond you look creepy if you do and never get mad about it she my be getting texts from 30 other people and some are bad with phones. You can also text others to girls and see who responds faster gets to see you.
And i understand your frustration with not showing up on time and not calling and for that dont take it personally it happens even with girls your friends with they normally have some craziness going on or maybe her boyfriend wanted her to stay dont get mad and blowup her phone thats creepy remember after a time that you dont want to wait just send a text like sorry we couldn't hangout tonight and give her a few days and shoot her a text
After you have seen them a few times seen if they will let you buy them a nice dinner or lunch after the date so you get to know them and it with help you with women in general. Dont ask them like where the live or personal information if they want you to know they will tell you.
Treat them respectfully dont ask them to hangout for free your not their friend yet when they are ready they will.
You have to make it so they just have a awesome time being around you .
Next is highgyne take a shower before you see them your normal 1 a day don't count, shave if you need to both parts,cut your fingers and toes , put on deodorant and a nice Cologne, axe doesn't count. This goes for any woman.
And here is the last part dont think that you can make them your girlfriend.
Its not going happen . Most have boyfriends anyways .
No matter have much you have in common or enjoy being around them even if you think their giving you signals .
If you are attracted to someone and see them often enough and for long enough you will get feeling for them even if you know better. So see a few different ones and if you start to get feeling take a break from seeing them otherwise you will ruin your friendship because again it makes woman uncomfortable to have a guy all over them and they when they dont feel the same way and they will end the friendship and again when a woman makes it clear that they dont want have see you for any reason at all.! Just leave them alone they should not have to feel that bad for not feeling the same way .
Trust me i ruined a good friendship of over a year and it was my fault for not being able to keep things just as friends even though I knew better . I still think shes great
But were all human and you learn.
And just remember your just getting started with women so dont be hard on yourself with every interaction you will learn something but your going to mess up alot it just takes time .
man . If you need anything else just ask
And holy shit i wrote alot lol
Masky's Avatar
  • Masky
  • 06-01-2016, 06:05 AM
I tried to get information on what the providers like. I'll say "so what turns you on, what types of things do you like?" and they'll literally just tell me "Nothing really. It just turns me on that I turn a guy on"
And although it wasn't mentioned in any of my reviews I have attempted daty (and I watched an instructional video on how best to do that). But I still get the feeling I haven't done it right.
In fact during sessions, I'm always thinking "does she like this?" "am I doing this for too long? / too short?" Or if she is doing something to me I wonder "Is she depending on me to change things up or will she stop and change things up herself?" I don't really know the answers to these questions and I think that's the main cause of the performance anxiety I've been having (out of the total of 12 sessions I've had, I've only finished 4 times).

Everything else you said I've put a check mark next to as I already do all those other things. It seems that the issue is during the session as well as how to come off as someone they'd like as a friend beyond the standard client relationship.
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First my friend, please understand that you are entering into a brief and hopefully satisfying business relationship. If you are looking for friendship, you should join Christian Mingle, lol. No disrespect but I'm in it for the hot pussy pie.

Now, I do have ladies that I've been seeing for over a decade and we get along great. I even consider one a friend but this developed over a long period of time.

Like Beetle said, be respectful, be confident and act like you know what you want. Also, be clean and freshly showered. Caress and suck those titties like they are the last pair on earth. Treat her body like it's your sexual playground.

Lastly, do your research. Everyone you meet aren't worthy of your time and consideration. Hell, I know a few that love to be treated like cum dumptsters and will squirt like a water fountain when dominated. There are some sweet and loveable ladies out there who genuinely want established and ongoing relationships.

Just be yourself, bust a good nut or two, then grab some Chick-fil-A afterwards. Enjoy all of the variety out there and party on. If you really want a girlfriend type situation, try finding a SB. The mentality and approach to each are different. You don't lead with money when dealing with a SB. You handle the BCD first and if all goes well, she gets some form of support.