What is everyone doing today?

junesetx's Avatar
I just enjoyed a cup of coffee on the balcony as I watched the sunrise on a new day in NM. It was cold out but thats okay, I had a fire going in the fireplace to warm me when I got back inside.
When was the last time you took time to watch the sun come up? When was the last time you sat in front of a roaring fire?
The silence embraces you, but as you watch and listen to the new day start you can hear the birds waking and calling to each other...or are they singing to the sun in welcome?

I'm in Roswell right now. LOL, no I haven't seen any aliens. I will be going to the museum today though. I'd been here before but Hope (Pleasureabenights) has not. It was on her wish/bucket list. Not working here, just enjoying being alive and on the road.
Life is not all about working and making money ya know, wink. You have to take time to explore the world you live in.

Although I long for home and my big baby (sammy my choc. siamese cat), I can't help but enjoy the country I live in. I miss you guys and gals and wish you could experience my world of freedom and my love of life.
If you missed watching the sunrise today, try and catch it tomorrow.

I'll be posting photo's in my yahoo group today of my travels so far. I hope you come in and enjoy them! I sure am enjoying myself, smile.

How do you start off your day? Why not share with the rest of us, smile. Enjoy your day!
  • pyro
  • 01-13-2010, 08:46 PM
aww, you mean you missed out on having busted water pipes dear?
Well enjoy Nuevo Mexico and safe travels back to Texas.

junesetx's Avatar
I'm lucky my sister cares about me and is taking care of my house and my cat for me while I'm gone. She took care of that for me. But then I take care of her right back. I love my sister. Isn't it wonderful to have people care about you?
I sincerly hope your pipes didn't burst!
It is fun to travel, but no matter where I go I will always come home to Texas.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
When was the last time you took time to watch the sun come up? Originally Posted by junesetx
In December 2009 on a deer stand at deer camp.

When was the last time you sat in front of a roaring fire? Originally Posted by junesetx
In December 2009 at deer camp.
Deer hunts, the HUNTING part, not really the Killing part, are an excellent time to enjoy the beauty of nature I have noticed that my family NOW will pass on a buck that is a good one in the hopes that next year, he will be a great one. The whole family now seems in agreement on that.

If we could ONLY get the illegals working on the adjacent ranches to subscribe to that philosophy. No one begrudges them the meat, but they don't understand that they can harvest a spike instead of the trophy deer if they are going to poach.
junesetx's Avatar
I like looking at deer, but I can't pass up elk. Omg, that is such good eating. A wonderful man turned me on to elk. I can't kill an animal myself but I love hunters. I helped him cut it up and pack it. I'm not afraid of that, I don't cry or go awwwww. I sure will cook it though! I think hunters ROCK! I like to know that a man can feed me, wink.
LOL, I'd better behave...it's sooooo hard not to flirt!

Lemontrees, your family should be commended for that!!!