New Year + New Hobby Burn phone

jframe2's Avatar
Happy New Year to all,

One of the many new things for the upcoming year is getting a new hobby-burn-throwaway phone.

No problems, just time to get a new number to keep safe.

Just a friendly reminder; ya know, change your batteries on your smoke detector, change your hobby phone on a regular basis.

Be well, play safe,
flinde's Avatar
That is really good advice jframe2
With all this google product privacy crap going around, I did away with all gmail accounts and google voice. Since all of that, I've been highly thinking about just getting rid of my smart phone period. I love having some of the apps, but I hate to think Big Brother knows everything I'm doing, saying, and texting.
@JFrame: I hear that. It's why I just buy a burner and never refill it. Once the minutes are up, get a new one.. :-)

@Annie: They can do most of that with a regular phone too. ;-)
I guess they can.. *sigh* telepathy? Oh yeah, they can read minds too.
Tracfone or boost
jframe2's Avatar
I get a tracfone. started using them way, way back for personal/business use so I am familiar with their setup.

No technical preference as to which is better.

Tracfone or boost Originally Posted by Wildbillyolo
Do you have to provide any personal information when you buy a tracfone? Because I don't want them sending me crap in the mail like saying, "your minutes are almost done".

I'm pondering getting one so I can actually call providers instead of strictly email, which limits my possibilities. (my wife goes through my phone all the time... she thinks I'm cheating on her, ha!)
Do you have to provide any personal information when you buy a tracfone? Because I don't want them sending me crap in the mail like saying, "your minutes are almost done".

I'm pondering getting one so I can actually call providers instead of strictly email, which limits my possibilities. (my wife goes through my phone all the time... she thinks I'm cheating on her, ha!) Originally Posted by lawrence70

You can pay cash for tracfone. Also depending on where you get it they may set it up for you. If they do just give them a fake name and address ( they wont ask for ID or anything. Rule of thumb, Don't set up a voice mail and if you're going to text with it make sure to delete your texts. Find a hiding place for it when not in use. And a good idea is to remove the battery and hind it else where just in case your wife finds it. Plus you can always say you found it on the ground somewhere but then you found out it was broken etc etc.
jframe2's Avatar
You can pay cash for tracfone. Also depending on where you get it they may set it up for you. If they do just give them a fake name and address ( they wont ask for ID or anything. Rule of thumb, Don't set up a voice mail and if you're going to text with it make sure to delete your texts. Find a hiding place for it when not in use. And a good idea is to remove the battery and hind it else where just in case your wife finds it. Plus you can always say you found it on the ground somewhere but then you found out it was broken etc etc. Originally Posted by Jadore Introductions
Oh Jadore, when you talk all phone-stuff-ish, I think I am in Lust!!!!

But you are giving good advice. Exactly how I play it.
Get a Go Phone and blow your brains out trying to text on the piece of shit...
I love my cheap super low tech Virgin Mobile phone. So simple, so easy to manage. I highly recommend getting one
The Slut's Avatar
Very hard to text on burner phones
i had a burner phone... then my SO found it. WHAT THE FLIP DO I DO NOW?? Is google really reporting things to people and places??
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Get the Walmart burner phone, SmartTalk or whatever it's called. You can txt, mms, and all that. No contract of course, easy to burn.