Golf Talk with Alexis Love

My Broncos are 4 - 1 - Just sayin folks...

A man was addressing the ball when an announcement came over the loud-speaker: "Will the gentleman on hole number one please not hit from the Ladies' tee box."

The man backs away, a little distracted, then approaches his ball again. As he does, the same announcement comes over the loud-speaker: "Will the gentleman on hole number one please not hit from the Ladies' tee box."

The man is getting irritated now, and after backing away from his shot - approaches his ball one more time. This time the announcement came: "We really need the gentleman on hole number one to move off of the Ladies' tee box!"

To which the man turns around and yells: "And I really need the announcer to shut the hell up and let me play my second shot!"
normalguy21's Avatar
I like your joke . Pretty good one . If it was me on the golf course i doubt they could of seen me from the club house . For some damm reason i tee off and my ball goes about 200 yards straight and then takes a 90 deg right turn for another 50 yards are so . In other words i need some help with my game . And good lord you are stunning ! I hope one day soon i get to meet you . Take care
I am sad to admit that I read it three times before I got it.... Probably would have helped if I had golfed before.
x"CY"ting's Avatar
Great Joke!! I do need you to give me some lessons sometime.
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Im not the only Broncos lover ..... Why am I the only one that gets booed lol
livn2do's Avatar
Couture's Avatar
Not trying to hijack the thread but...

How about those SF Giants last night...

Sorry Livin' about the Royals...but I've always been a SF fan!!!

Back to the OP the golf humor it made me chuckle!!!
livn2do's Avatar
How about those SF Giants last night...

Sorry Livin' about the Royals...but I've always been a SF fan!!! Originally Posted by Couture
Hijacking the shit out of your thread.

I'm crushed because I can now no longer see you. That sucks too because I'm going to miss the shit out of you and that thing you do. You know that thing that causes me to slip in and out of reliable consciousness. That thing that is akin to a thousand angels slowly tickling ever cell in my body with their fingertips, whispering the secrets of the universe in my ear while the morning dew from their nipples drips into my mouth. That thing that leaves me breathless, exhausted, screaming "dearsweetjesus" before I pass out hard in a surreal sate of yum and yes and wow only to wake up 2 days later eagerly awaiting the glorious return of dangerous possibility. Yeah, that thing. Fuck, its better then Scotch.

There is one thing you can do however to redeem yourself.

These are fitting

Notice how low cut this is to show off your...well, you get the picture.

You're going to look so damn delicious in these.
normalguy21's Avatar
Oh well forget golf. Back to pocket pool. At least I have that game mastered baited !
I had a session with Ms Golf Coach a few months back. She's the real deal and smart as a whip too. I did a review on her ...

She said she had a niece, cousin, aunt ... relative of some kind ... in the DM metro so might get back occasionally. I've seen her post a couple of times in Ads but don't know if she's ever actually been back though. But I'd see her again if she shows up, for sure.

Agree with L2D on the Royals ... aweful nice to seem them back doing well. Its been a long, long, long, time.

EDIT: here is my review:
livn2do's Avatar
Its a good review too IaDork
Let's stick on the topic GENTS -- GOLF Jokes....hahaha
livn2do's Avatar
I thought golf was a joke.