Are you sure you have the right 9 I have never known her to take off her panties and I have seen her for over two years
Originally Posted by MYQUEST
And you have been saying the same thing for over 2 years. Every time a review mentions more than L2 always you always chime in and remind us that she never offers more than L2 to you. Why have you not accepted the very obvious fact that she has no desire to offer FS to you, but she does offer FS to others? I imagine most of her clientele are in the same camp as you - no FS. Perfect example of YMMV. Everyone on this site has experienced it. Next time you see her just flat out tell her you want FS. Beg her. If she still says no then you no it's not her, it's you...
Not to come off as rude but every time I read a TN review I know to expect a comment from you stating something along the lines of "she never does that to me". This is not an insult to you. I have received less than stellar service from highly regarded providers. Its YMMV.