2 Million Illinois Residents On Food Stamps Is “Extremely Embarrassing”

SEE3772's Avatar
a broke as corrupt state with broke ass residents.. .. what else is new?
Let's see how Gov elect Bruce Rauner(R) turns it around, if he can. Methinks the institutional corruption is incredible.
lustylad's Avatar
Let's see how Gov. elect Bruce Rauner (R) turns it around, if he can. Methinks the institutional corruption is incredible. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You mean intractable. Incredible too. Ya thinks Rauner and Rahm Emanuel will become buddies?
http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2014/12/...-embarrassing/ Originally Posted by SEE3772
Actually it is tragic unless you are a liberal hater.
Impossible to embarrass Ozombies... Independent bootlickers included
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
ILL is only a blue state because of chicago the broke ass gop are all down state farmers
Impossible to embarrass Ozombies... Independent bootlickers included Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Lemmings like you whirrly run in packs for safety.
Lemmings like you whirrly run in packs for safety. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

whirly or IFFY?... ur'a bootlicker
whirly or IFFY?... ur'a bootlicker
[ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Good to see you do know your name whiffy. My bad. accept my apology dick diver.