Why do we allow these threads to exist?

TinMan's Avatar
One of the things I appreciate about this board is the tolerance for many different POV, but there is an individual (we all know which one) who continually creates new handles for the sole purpose of posting offensive and abusive comments. It is obvious this person is unbalanced, and likely gets off on reading the outrage and disgust that is directed his way whenever he makes an appearance.

Rather than simply banning him time and time again (which so far hasn't persuaded him to stop), doesn't it make more sense to delete his posts and threads he has started to rob him of the kick he apparently gets from the reaction of other members?

I know this goes against the grain of transparency this board tries to achieve, but in this case I think it is justified.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Are they not able to ban the IP also?
Tinman, you make an excellent point. I think it would behoove them to have some transparency as we hate to see "disappearing threads". Some people get very suspicious when that happens.

However, I have a suggestion / idea.

Add a sig line to this posters accounts saying who he is and what his transgressions that all his posts will be deleted /edited or moderated in the future.

I agree that leaving them in public view rewards his behavior. I would consider this a "special case" and totally be okay with the staff removing the contents of his posts after the original has been copied to a staff area.

Can we say his name or is he like Lord Voldemort?

Ty Steel. You are a nut!
TinMan's Avatar
I didn't mention his name simply to avoid having him get his jollies by seeing his name in print yet again.
TinMan's Avatar
It looks like the mods are moving in the right direction already on this, as his latest handle at least has been deleted. I hope they take the next step now and remove all recent threads he has started.

Thanks to management for taking quick action in response to this request.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Are they not able to ban the IP also? Originally Posted by still-asleep
The culprit in question bothers me too but sad to say I don't think the Mods can do much- even if they could block his IP- you don't have to be a computer genius to know how to reset your IP- so he could still cause trouble- just ignore the troll.
Ignoring him would be the best thing. If he gets no response, he will get tired and go elseware to harrass. But, I also know it so hard to get everyone to ignore him. Heck, I know better, but I still want to. Human nature makes it hard to not respond when attacked. I hope the mods can decide to just delete his posts or clear the contents at least.

Oh, and lock his threads so people cannot continue to comment on him. Just making him happy to see more comments about how "bad " he is.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Here's a thought.

Create a forum for trash. Any threads that are deemed not worthy of leaving in the normal forums can then be moved with a couple mouse clicks by a staff member.

No deletion, but no clutter of the forums.

My suggestion for the forum? Dung-Heap. It would not be in any city. It would not allow any new threads, meaning a closed forum. People could view it but not comment in any way. Bottom of the main page where all dung should be.

What say you guys?
TinMan's Avatar
I think that is overthinking it. A troll of this magnitude shows up once in a blue moon. Handling it in the way I suggest deals with the offender in an efficient manner. There is zero value in keeping any of his threads in public view.
Int3rested's Avatar
TM, you have requested a reasonable and good solution for this situation. Thanks
daty/o's Avatar
Eccie is a great resource and well worth the requirements for premium access. Maybe it's time to make it too expensive to abuse.