I have only ever had a client tell me a small bit of an ROS after I had some issues with guys trying to perform a specific activity with me over and over. I couldn't figure out why all of these guys kept going for it every time. I saw one of my regular guys, and he asked if that activity had been added to my menu since we last saw each other. I said no and asked why he thought that. He told me that he saw it in an ROS. He wasn't specific at first, but I knew I hadn't done it, so I did press him to tell me which review he saw it in. Poor guy was terrified to tell me. You guys must castrate anyone who gives up this info. lol....He didn't tell me anything other than what I needed to know though, and I did not use it for any reason other than to let clients know it was false info, and NOT on the menu. I didn't even so much as message the client who lied.
That's all that really matters. Guys may want to read about your physicall appearance but all you need to be concerned with is a yes or no.
And please tell us if you see a review that NEVER HAPPENED!
Originally Posted by DarthMaul
This same client posted a review six weeks later of a visit that NEVER HAPPENED, and I contacted every mod on my local forum as well as whoever the messages go to when you report a review, and nothing was ever done. I was told it was my word against his, and they couldn't just take my word for it. That review is still up to this day. I'm actually a bit butthurt about it, but whatever. My clients know what's up.