I was texting a certain provider trying to get a feel for her tying to see what she enjoys sexually???
Do you allow DATY? No
Do you allow DATO?? No
Do you allow kissing? No
Sooooo??? Your a provider why again?!?
I am sorry but you putting the lady safety in danger when you asked those kind of question over the phone ...and had every right to keep here self safe than answer your question Originally Posted by foxyred73
You don't get it ....this a paid service anything that you say can be hold against you ....If you don't understand that than do need to be the playing in the hobby or be on this website... Originally Posted by foxyred73Well said.
That's what some of you paranoia providers don't get...nothing has to be said....a cop can just come to your in call and bust you without you saying anythingPlease elaborate on this.. Has happened to a few providers in Dallas. Clients call the cops after the session and tell them there in a certain in call location and they get arrested. Originally Posted by JalapenoPopper
You all are in denial if you don’t think police officers can arrest you at any given time. All it takes is a phone call and they’ll go over and investigate. Trust me, I’ve seen where someone has called that was literally next door, and 15 minutes later I saw them come and she was in cuffs 15 minutes after their arrival. Maybe she had other stuff on her, but she was gone and the manager was there and all.Sigh.
And Strawberry, by not letting police officers in only gives them more suspicion that there is illegal activity going on. Also, it should be highlighted that you don’t have to give ID, unless they suspect someone has does something illegal, however, they’ll get your name from the front office or get it somehow. Then they’ll check your history, then LET THE PARTY BEGIN. Originally Posted by StephenASmith
Sigh.No, you’re wrong.
Not without probable cause or a warrant they can't. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
You all are in denial if you don’t think police officers can arrest you at any given time. All it takes is a phone call and they’ll go over and investigate. Trust me, I’ve seen where someone has called that was literally next door, and 15 minutes later I saw them come and she was in cuffs 15 minutes after their arrival. Maybe she had other stuff on her, but she was gone and the manager was there and all.Yes, please. Let the party begin. Or has it already started? :-)
And Strawberry, by not letting police officers in only gives them more suspicion that there is illegal activity going on. Also, it should be highlighted that you don’t have to give ID, unless they suspect someone has does something illegal, however, they’ll get your name from the front office or get it somehow. Then they’ll check your history, then LET THE PARTY BEGIN. Originally Posted by StephenASmith
No, you’re wrong.Ohhh, bless your little heart! Honey you can't base your experience with the law and the legal system on all of your court appointed counsel and their poor performance. You see when you actually pay for an attorney to defend a hypothetical case of course ;-), they do this amazing thing where they actually fight for you. For some reason getting paid seems to motivate them to not immediately push you to sign the first plea that comes along. I know you're bitter and angry,but don't make yourself look more ignorant by comparing your dozens of unfortunate run-ins with the law (hypothetical since I don't know if Steven has had any run-ins with the law) - it just seems that way from the posts ( any portrayal of real world information is completely accidental) to what the legal system requires to obtain a conviction in a trial.
Probable cause is a citizen calling in and reporting it. Dude, did you ever read what was written? Jesus Christ. That’s the first problem with people. They don’t listen. Originally Posted by StephenASmith