Lack of intelligence community

Guest123018-4's Avatar
So Joe Biden throws the intelligence community under the bus and then runs them over, backs up and runs them over again.

On 9/11 he claims that intelligence knows nothing about Libya yet he claims that we have enough intelligence from the same community to KNOW that Iran does not have a weapon that can be used for a nuclear bomb.
So which do we believe?
Is it that the intelligence community is so inept that they could not anticipate the actions of terrorists on 9/11 in Libya but know enough about Iran that we should feel just as safe as our ambassador that was killed by terrorists?

Three card Monte or the shell game or Joe Biden in a debate, all are games of trickery and deception. Just think, he is only a heartbeat away from being the commander-in-chief and the president.

Yeah I am convinced, but you know, even though I am legally blind, I can still see the deceit that was played out.

You know, he probably doesn't even know what he did.
We have the same intelligence that had WMD'S in Iraq...
cptjohnstone's Avatar
We have the same intelligence that had WMD'S in Iraq... Originally Posted by ekim008
they were there, just moved to Syria
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Iran has no weapon until the day they have a weapon then what will this White House do? We should find out shortly.
they were there, just moved to Syria Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

Have another big sip of the tea,,,,
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Sh*t, I thought the "lack of intelligence community" thread was a TParrotriot-only support group so I thought I'd look in. What a disappointment.....
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So, which is it.
Do we have enough intelligence that we can trust
Is it the failure of the intelligence.
Biden blamed the intelligence for Libya
Trusts the intelligence on Iran.

mike makes a valid point in that the intelligence on the WMDs was not correct and so far off that even the Clintons believed there were WMDs.
So, which is it.
Is the intelligence so bad that it cannot be trusted?
We are told that it was protesters and they were not.
We are told Iran cannot make a bomb or have no weapon capable of delivering it.

If I recall, this is a people that have no issue with killing themselves in order to kill their enemy.
Only a very small number of terrorists that deliver the death live to tell about it.

The point is, Biden threw the intelligence community under the bus in one breath and then claims they know everything about Iran. Sounds questionable to me.
Now i understand, The White House did NOT know the danger level in Libya !
( The fuckin travel channel knows it dangerous there )
Why didnt anyone Tell ( Obama/Biden ) them, hey its fuckin dangerous in Libya and there might be some pissed off dudes that are going to try and kill some Americans and 9/11 looks like the perfect time..
Now everyone that really believes the Pres. and VP didnt know Libya was a tinder box jump on here and say it..... I fuckin dare ya....
I B Hankering's Avatar
Now i understand, The White House did NOT know the danger level in Libya !
( The fuckin travel channel knows it dangerous there )
Why didnt anyone Tell ( Obama/Biden ) them, hey its fuckin dangerous in Libya and there might be some pissed off dudes that are going to try and kill some Americans and 9/11 looks like the perfect time..
Now everyone that really believes the Pres. and VP didnt know Libya was a tinder box jump on here and say it..... I fuckin dare ya.... Originally Posted by steamyromance
Any responsible executive would have inquired about the level of security after being briefed about the Islamist bombing of the consulate in Benghazi in June. But Odumbo and Joe the Clown have been too busy campaigning -- flying off to Las Vegas, Hollywood and such -- to attend trifling security briefings.
LexusLover's Avatar
"We" had this same discussion post-original 911 and even had extensive publicized hearings on who knew what ... Most, if not all, of the defenders of Obaminable/Biden on this board were hammering Bush because the administration didn't connect the "dots" in the 8 months he was in office ... #1: This administration has had 3 3/4 years to "get up to speed" and #2: they didn't have to connect "dots" .... they just had to read MEMOES!!!!! ... from their GUYS ON THE GROUND!

And Obaminable gave Biden an A for his performance so he has embraced this stupidity.

Speaking of Syria and WMD's. Hasn't this administration "threatened" the current Syrian government about using WMD's on their own people? How does this administration know that Syria has WMD's ... gas for one? Where did Syria get the WMD's? How long has Syria had WMD's? How long has this adminstration known about the WMD's that Syria has? Where were the WMD's made and where have they been stored?

So, this administration has "intellignce" information about stockpiles of WMD's in Syria, but doesn't know that terrorists may make a 2nd/3rd attack on our facilities in Libya on "9-11 Day"?

And were these the same "intelligence" folks that reported it was a movie?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The point is; the dumb ass wants you to believe they KNOW through INTELLIGENCE that Iran does not have a weapon that can deliver a nuclear explosion yet a few minutes before tells us that the INTELLIGENCE wasn't worth a shit and did not know a thing.
So, why should we believe that Iran has no nuclear capability just around the corner if the intelligence community cant even tell us to watch out for an attack on 9/11.

Now comes the question of what can we actually believe from our so called leaders.

Then again, it is Biden and they probably do not tell him very much in the first place.
joe bloe's Avatar
So, which is it.
Do we have enough intelligence that we can trust
Is it the failure of the intelligence.
Biden blamed the intelligence for Libya
Trusts the intelligence on Iran.

mike makes a valid point in that the intelligence on the WMDs was not correct and so far off that even the Clintons believed there were WMDs.
So, which is it.
Is the intelligence so bad that it cannot be trusted?
We are told that it was protesters and they were not.
We are told Iran cannot make a bomb or have no weapon capable of delivering it.

If I recall, this is a people that have no issue with killing themselves in order to kill their enemy.
Only a very small number of terrorists that deliver the death live to tell about it.

The point is, Biden threw the intelligence community under the bus in one breath and then claims they know everything about Iran. Sounds questionable to me. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
We have to acknowledge that our ability to gather intelligence is imperfect. We have to err on the side of caution; that means we must assume Iran is close to going nuclear.

If Iran goes nuclear, it will be a disaster. We need to take the course of action that will minimize the chances of a third world war. In my opinion, preventing Iran from getting a nuclear devise, is the best way to prevent WWIII.

If Iran gets a nuclear bomb, they are likely to use it on Israel. If Iran nukes Israel, Israel will almost certainly strike back with a nuclear response. At that point, I think Russia, China, and America will get involved. The potential for escalation is obvious.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-14-2012, 09:09 AM

The point is, Biden threw the intelligence community under the bus in one breath and then claims they know everything about Iran. Sounds questionable to me. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Do you want to go to war with Iran? If so just say so. Say that we should start a war in Iran to make sure they do not get a bomb. Just say it and quit beating around the bush. Say that you are willing to pay 8 dollars a gallon for gas and pay more in taxes to pay for the war. Just say so.

The fact of the matter is that everybody wants a nuke after we have shown that we will invade (Iraq) a country that does not do exactly as we say. The invasion of Iraq was so stupid on so many fronts. Yet you excuse the intelligence community on that one and Bush for giving Iran reason to hurry up their nuke program.

You excuse Israel killing scientists in Iran yet cry like a baby when our diplomaits are killed.

That is about as ignorant as it gets.

Any other questions you might have? Fire away.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-14-2012, 09:14 AM

If Iran goes nuclear, it will be a disaster. We need to take the course of action that will minimize the chances of a third world war. In my opinion, preventing Iran from getting a nuclear devise, is the best way to prevent WWIII.

. Originally Posted by joe bloe
So we need to start WWIII tp prevent WWIII.


Only the ignorant believe that Iran will nuke Israel should they obtain nukes.

You are proof positive.
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  • 10-14-2012, 09:20 AM
Any responsible executive would have inquired about the level of security after being briefed about the Islamist bombing of the consulate in Benghazi in June. But Odumbo and Joe the Clown have been too busy campaigning -- flying off to Las Vegas, Hollywood and such -- to attend trifling security briefings. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It is called getting reelected. Jimmy Carter did as you say and was not reelected.

Kinda hard to fix the last thirty years of GOP fuck ups if you are not reelected.

More Americians die of snake bites in this country than were killed in Benghazi. Dying is part of life. Nobody was over there aganist their will. While tragic, it is nothing more that a political football at this point. Neither side cares about the dead like they pretend, they care about their side winning the election. If not , this would not be front and center.