A Moral Argument for Progressive Taxation

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Yeah, I know, all Republicans are pretty sick of me by now...but for the rest who would like to hear other definitions of real democracy, read on...


Over and out...goodnight and sweet dreams
joe bloe's Avatar
Yeah, I know, all Republicans are pretty sick of me by now...but for the rest who would like to hear other definitions of real democracy, read on...


Over and out...goodnight and sweet dreams Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
America is not a democracy; America is a republic. Democracy is mob rule. Democracies always fail, because, if the majority always gets what it wants, the majority will always vote to rob their neighbors. Wealth gets redistributed until there is no incentive to create wealth; then everyone becomes poor.

The progressive income tax is simply one group of people stealing from another group; it is theft by surrogate. Instead of breaking into their neighbors houses, many Americans vote to have the federal government steal on their behalf.

Just because one person has more money than another person, it doesn't give the government the moral authority to confiscate and redistribute as they see fit. The fact that the majority of the people support the progressive income tax doesn't make it moral. If the majority of the people voted to bring back slavery, that wouldn't make it moral.
We have progressive taxation. About two pages down is the marginal tax rate table.


The whole "we don't have progressive taxation" is Democratic Socialist bullshit. They simply want more.
Yeah, I know, all Republicans are pretty sick of me by now...but for the rest who would like to hear other definitions of real democracy, read on...


Over and out...goodnight and sweet dreams Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
So does your product get taxed more as you get older? or less?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I find the use of "moral" as a basis for progressive taxation ironic.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How is it moral to take something from someone who earned it, to give to someone who did not by use of force?
joe bloe's Avatar
How is it moral to take something from someone who earned it, to give to someone who did not by use of force? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It isn't moral; it's just popular. As long as the government steals from the minority and redistributes to the majority, it will continue, at least, until the parasites kill the host.

Eventually, Atlas will shrug.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-14-2012, 09:24 AM
How is it moral to take something from someone who earned it, to give to someone who did not by use of force? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You chicken shit SOB, nobody is taking your taxes by force. Do not pay them and stand up for what you beliieve in.

We have two set of taxes both Progressive and Regressive.

To want to do away with the Progressive tax system is immoral and ignorant.

But I have come to expect total ignorance from our Tea Nuts...
You chicken shit SOB, nobody is taking your taxes by force. Do not pay them and stand up for what you beliieve in. Originally Posted by WTF
Several months ago I offered to buy StupidOldFart a First Class, one way ticket to Damascus so he would no longer have to concern himself with paying US taxes.

If you think about it, this country would be a much better place without a bunch of Tea Sipping, StupidOldFarts! Let them all go to Damascus! SOF's are a blight on a civilized society.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm glad that Debbie brought this up. I have never heard of FORA.TV but it looks interesting. As for David Kay Johnston...I'm not going to say that a piece of paper from a college is the answer to everything. I got my degrees late in life but I read widely. I went through more than one class without taking notes and had still had the top grade in the class. I bring this up because Mr. Johnston has attended many universities but failed to follow through and get a degree. So when he starts to reference ancient Greece, I wonder if he has really thought it through or if his class bias is showing.

As to what he said on the video I was struck that he said in ancient Athens if people didn't pay their taxes they got cast out from the city. I don't think that Mitt Romney wants to cast out 47% of the population but maybe Debbie does because those are the numbers Debbie. We have a lot of people who don't pay federal tax for a number of different reasons. That is how our tax code has been developed. The elderly, people on pensions, and a large group of people who game the system just don't pay taxes. Some of these people paid taxes on a regular basis earlier in life and no one begrudges them their new status. They earned it. What hurts the country and pisses people off is the scam class who had never really paid taxes but always vote for more services and benefits. These people do not deserve to have a vote because they do not participate. I think your speaker backs me up on that. If you do not participate then you should not be represented.

As for corporations and businesses, taxes are always passed along to the consumer. It is called overhead. Even paychecks. When you get your paycheck the unemployment tax, the Social Security tax, the healthcare payment and the cost of hiring you is passed along to your paycheck. If you could opt of Social Security and unemployment that money should show up in your paycheck because it takes nothing away from the employer.

Debbie you starting to sound a little conservative but I think you're still afraid to accept that because in your mind a conservative is so many things that we are not. It is not a matter of race, sex, or who your prefer to have sex with. It is about principals and applying those principals to life including government.

By the way, we do have a progressive tax system already. Intially taxes were not paid on work but on investment back in the beginning of the last century. The tax rate was only 1%. As time passed and government found that they could do things for people that resulted in votes more tax money was needed. Eventually taxes were passed onto hourly workers so your labor was directly taxed. JFK, a democratic icon, drastically lowered the top marginal rate before Ronald Reagan, a republican icon, lowered the rate again after it crept back up under Johnson, Ford, and Carter. Lowering taxes has always broadened the base and increased revenues to the federal government. Better a president with a background in history and economics than community organizing (whatever that is).
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
The post by Barleycorn is interesting, but I don't agree. I am not an extreme left democrat (used to be and was raised a Republican). Don't believe that far right should be blocking things in congress because it doesn't produce a profit for their constituents or certain special interest groups. This is main problem in the white house and why we are not making progress. We are not thinking about our country as a whole. We are thinking about our own special interests.
Another word that is broadly used is "greed".
The post by Barleycorn is interesting, but I don't agree. I am not an extreme left democrat (used to be and was raised a Republican). Don't believe that far right should be blocking things in congress because it doesn't produce a profit for their constituents or certain special interest groups. This is main problem in the white house and why we are not making progress. We are not thinking about our country as a whole. We are thinking about our own special interests.
Another word that is broadly used is "greed". Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Thanks JDB and HMD. I will just come out and say it. Is there such a thing as "PUSSY" tax? Who would pay this tax?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-14-2012, 04:00 PM
. Is there such a thing as "PUSSY" tax? Who would pay this tax? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Is there such a thing? Damn IFF, what planet you been living on? I been paying a pussy tax since right after I learned to J/O!
The post by Barleycorn is interesting, but I don't agree. I am not an extreme left democrat (used to be and was raised a Republican). Don't believe that far right should be blocking things in congress because it doesn't produce a profit for their constituents or certain special interest groups. This is main problem in the white house and why we are not making progress. We are not thinking about our country as a whole. We are thinking about our own special interests.
Another word that is broadly used is "greed". Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Debbie, Debbie, Debbie.

The "far right" isn't blocking anything in Congress! Harry Reid of the "far left" is the one who isn't letting bills from the House be brought up for a vote in the Senate!

BTW, The White House...
in 2009
but they didn't.

They frittered it away. And could only get Obamacare passed by a parliamentary maneuver.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You chicken shit SOB, nobody is taking your taxes by force. Do not pay them and stand up for what you beliieve in.

We have two set of taxes both Progressive and Regressive.

To want to do away with the Progressive tax system is immoral and ignorant.

But I have come to expect total ignorance from our Tea Nuts... Originally Posted by WTF
It is by force. If you don't pay, they bring guns to collect. I've seen it.

Progressive taxation is totally immoral. You are the ignorant one. Progressive taxation drives the class warfare you thrive on. It's sick.