Twitter only

Do you consider an active Twitter enough to verify that a provider is legit if it is their only source of advertising? Obviously not talking about ones that have only been around for a couple of days/weeks, but one that has been actively posting for say 6 months or so? Would that be enough to make you confident that it isn’t a scam or worse?
If she has plenty of reviews on review sites such as Eccie, TER, etc then I don't see an issue with it. If you are having a hard time finding reviews or any mention of her anywhere else, I would steer clear.
That's a good question on the hobby side as well for me,
Lina_Tatz's Avatar
I use the internet, good ol' spokeo n public data if i can't find a handle i can message n see a legitimate accont n email but yes if you know of a better way let me know as well thanks!