I've been reading threads on this site where a lot of guys have been dabbling in being 'sugar daddies' as an alternative to the hobby. So I went and looked at some profiles for 'sugar babies' and was quite disgusted by what I saw. It seems that a lot of them are putting themselves out there in order to get their hands on expensive jewelry and other useless shit. So, while being a sugar daddy might afford you the ability to get to know these ladies a little more personally than in the hobby, why would you want to?
Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not inherently against materialism, which I define as buying stuff that you really don't need. For example, my parents recently spent over 40 grand on a new Infiniti, but that car has some pretty impressive tech inside of it that my lowly economy car could never dream of. Maybe you spend several hundred dollars more on a bed because it is more comfortable than a cheap one. I myself will soon be spending $3,000 on a new computer, because I do a lot of processor-intensive tasks, and a faster PC means that I get things done faster.
So to me, a lot of materialistic purchases make sense. But, spending hundreds of dollars on a handbag? Or $2,500 on a watch, which my stepmom recently did? I could buy a watch for $30 that has 10x the functionality as hers. If my wife had told me that she spent $2,500 on a watch, to me that would've translated to, "Honey, I just took $2,500 and wiped my ass with it!" Obviously, that wouldn't have been the case if she had bought it at a steep discount and could turn around and sell it for $3,000. But to wear? ARE YOU NUTS!?!?
Of course, I understand that guys are not immune to this either, but usually if we're guilty of it, it's because we're trying to attract attention to ourselves from women. It's kind of like how male peacocks grow these huge tail feathers for no other reason than to attract the opposite sex, even if doing so means it makes them easier prey. But then, you have these geeks who buy PCs who's cases light up like Christmas trees, which would probably scare away women more than anything, so that's probably indefensible.
So my question is, why? Is it simply because of status? Shouldn't we/couldn't we decide as a society that status has nothing to do with the size of the diamond on your finger, or whether the rims on your vehicle can spin while stationary? Since I don't understand any of it, part of me feels like I was simply born in the wrong period of time ...