I need a kitty

DallasRain's Avatar
I'm looking for a kitten
prefer male....orange or black&white

Rescue One is overrun with kittens ��.
mizurymule's Avatar
Rescue One is overrun with kittens ��. Originally Posted by stan65714
So are most shelters
ClarityE's Avatar
I have a couple I would love to give you, but the wife would kill me if I did.

(And they aren't kittens either.)
DallasRain's Avatar
ill chk the shelters
i was hoping for a free kitty somebody couldnt care for

thx yall!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
rescue one wants $75!!
ClarityE's Avatar
rescue one wants $75!! Originally Posted by DallasRain

That sounds about right for the adoption fee. All my cats have come from shelters and that is about what I paid.
CravinRaven2's Avatar
I have 2 black and white kittens!! About 2 months old. Adorable. Text me you have my number.
Did you find a cat? I have a lovely spayed 1.5 year old black cat. She was adopted from Humane Society, given to me as a gift. (odd I know) I named her Jane Doe. She is sooo sweet and wants to have a human she can call her own. I already had a cat, and that one has not been willing to share.
Jane is mainly indoor cat. She also goes outside and will stretch out on lawn in backyard and nap for hours. I have a dog door so all my pets are free to be inside or outside.

I don't know if she's a 'mouser', I've only had her since March. Dm me if DallasRain & her side kitty, Jane sounds like a good match to you