Texas-Nebraska guess the score

burkalini's Avatar
Hey gang lets see if you can guess the score of the Neb-Texas game

My guess is Neb 35 Texas 17
John Bull's Avatar
21 - 7 Nebraska
burkalini's Avatar
John either way I like it
31-28 OT Nebraska
I'm the anti NE fan, I'm a Badger gal.

But, I did make a bet that Texas (my home state) wins. Don't hold it against me guys.

I LOVE football.
John Bull's Avatar
MsElena your Badgers blew it. My Buckeyes had their problems but pulled it out.
I know, I know. I saw it and I was sad at the end of the game. I owe a client from the Wisconsin vs. Michigan St. game.

Now I'm sad again. I shall go hug my giant Bucky Badger stuffed animal.
28-24 Nebraska...
Hello people... my first time posting!
burkalini's Avatar
Elena how about if Nebraska wins your my pet for a session and if Texas wins I'm yours

If I knew you and had a few sessions under our belt, I might have taken you up on that offer.

Do you drink wine? I have a great wine collection, we could bet a bottle of wine.
John Bull's Avatar
C'mon you two. Get a room!
burkalini's Avatar
Wow I never thought a Dominatrix would back off a simple little bet like that. lol No problem on the wine though as long as it's not some 500.00 bottle. I don't drink wine very often so just get me a nice large bottle of Jack. I don't drink that much but Jack and I are old friends
John.......no need for a room, Burkalini has a place I can torture him in.

Burkalini.....being a Dominatrix has nothing to do with the bet. I just never play the role of pet. But, you'll do just fine in that role for me. A bottle of jack for you and a bottle of my fav wine for me.

You've been baiting me for a week and made the offer to meet........enough already, when?
John Bull's Avatar
Yeah when! Inquiring minds want to know.
burkalini's Avatar
Just trying to build up the anticipation a little. Its always hotter and (harder) that way. I guess there won't be any pets in my place though. Too bad. Elena should see how the other half is