I have a subscription question

austin88998833's Avatar
Last week my PA access ran out because I had not submitted a review since July, and the 6 week increments that I had accumulated finally expired. Last weekend I purchased two weeks of access for $25. Two days later on Monday, I wrote my most recent review and it qualified for 6 weeks of premium access. My question is, shouldn’t my 6 weeks of PA credit stack on top of my two week subscription, effectively creating 8 weeks of premium access time?

I had run into this situation in the past and if I recall I don’t think I got credit for all of my purchased time once I submitted my next review. Thanks in advance for the info!
biomed1's Avatar
In the Transaction Log, I have found that you purchased 2 Weeks PA Credit on 1-22-2023.

That 2 Weeks Period of PA Credit was set to expire on 5 February 2023.

You posted your review on 23 January 2023 and it was approved that evening.

6 additional Weeks of PA Credit was granted for the review extending your PA Credit until 19 March 2023.

It would appear that a total of 8 Weeks PA Credit was applied to your account correctly.