Abbreviation Question

moisty_bobby's Avatar
Hi Friends - I am from San Francisco but never seen the following abbreviations / acronyms. Can some one point me to a link? I did search but could not get anything:





texasjohn1965's Avatar
digits - fingers in vag
nqns - no quit, no spit.... swallower
convo - conversation
What about NE & SE
tradermac75's Avatar
What about NE & SE Originally Posted by Theory
northern exploration and southern exploration (usually mentioned in strip club reviews for breast play and below the waist touching) - it took me a few months to find those abbreviations.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
on aspd there was a list that had all the abbreviations, i think i still have a copy.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-24-2010, 11:51 PM
I can usually figure out the abbreviations using the context in which they are used in but could not figure NE & SE out for the life of me. Boy, was i WAAAAYYYY off....
Yeah that list from ASPD did always come in handy! Good Luck guys
extant51's Avatar
Google Urban Dictionary. Most things are there
pyramider's Avatar
Wikipedia used to be a source, too.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
i can NEVER remember what NE and SE mean. Thank goodness there is a glossary or i would be LOST.
moisty_bobby's Avatar
Thanks Friends !

Interesting the list from Mokoa does not have


Time to revise. I wish they had these on wikipedia.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-25-2010, 11:43 PM
As far as I know digits is not an abbreviation. It simply refers to those little things on the end of your hand.

Conv is obviously conversation.

And as for NQNS...

You need to look a bit closer. It is there.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
digits - fingers in vag
nqns - no quit, no spit.... swallower
convo - conversation Originally Posted by texasjohn1965

Thanks, I didnt even know some of those!

Was wondering....cause I know you're a smart one..... on the there an abbreviation for one that is a non quitter but spitter? I mean an already tech term or would it and is it just NQS? Sorry about such a dumb Q! LOL

Kelli Ann Preston
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
i can NEVER remember what NE and SE mean. Thank goodness there is a glossary or i would be LOST. Originally Posted by CrimsonValkyrie not always such a bad thing....just depends "in" whom you are lost!

Kelli Ann Preston