We would have been in a real recovery .....

We would have been in a real recovery .....

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Speaking of the need for a "real recovery," the title of this thread should have been:

If it wasn't for GW
(aka Dubya, Bush Lite and/or the most incompetent President in modern US history) and his failed economic, domestic and foreign policies, there would have been no need for a "real recovery!"
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The Republican complaint about President Obama is essentially,

. . . "Why haven't you cleaned up the mess we made sooner!"

The Republican complaint about President Obama is essentially,

. . . "Why haven't you cleaned up the mess we made sooner!"

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I believe Fast Gunn just nailed it!!!!!
You guys need to see the Documentary " Fall Of The Republic" It's true G. Bush and Obama are basically screw offs but it goes even deeper than that.
That dogma only works with Obamazombies, Independents and others don't think like you. We want a President who takes responsibility and gets results.

The polling trends prove my point and aren't in Obama 's favor.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A fast, nonsensical quip and away they ride. The Obamazombies! Maybe if you stuck around and tried to explain then you would come to a different conclusion. Which part of Bush caused the collapse;
was it the attempted investigation of the Fannie and Freddie in 2006 which was stopped by Barney Frank and company,
was it the business cycle that seems to have been around for over a hundred years,
was it the Community Reinvestment Act that was passed in 1977 that led to mortgages being given to the unworthy,
was it Barney Frank saying in July of 2008 that the economy, and specifically the housing industry, was great,
was it the TARP that both Senator John McCain and President elect Obama both signed off on,
or maybe it was the first bailout that both McCain and Obama both agreed to,
or maybe it was the attack on 9/11 because Clinton passed the buck to the new guy (Bush),
or it was the war that was brought to the shores of the US by Afghanistan and voted upon by the Senate including John Kerry, John Edwards, and Hillary Clinton.
Could have been one of those things? This is where you give us your idiotic comment and then ride off into the sunset again on your unicorn.
And the wall -of -seperation between investment and commercial banks that was torn down by Clinton (Gramm /Leach /Blilley.) .
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, so many things that Bush was responsible for I forgot that from the Clinton years. This effectively killed Glass Spiegel in 1999. I didn't know that the governor of Texas had so much power.
Yes, so many things that Bush was responsible for I forgot that from the Clinton years. This effectively killed Glass Spiegel in 1999. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, I don't know who you're using for sources but Spiegel has not been "effectively killed" as you claim. Spiegel was first established in 1865 and they are still hanging around in 2012.

Just follow the link! http://www.spiegel.com/

Unless, of course you are claiming that some poor Dude (or Dudette) named "Glass Spiegel" was "effectively killed" by the Clinton Administration "in 1999." Is this another in an increasingly long line of Far Right Wing-Nut (aka Romneyzombeys) conspiracy theories or is "Glass Spiegel" a real person? If so, this is the first I have heard of poor ol' Glass's murder and a moment of silence might be in order! May he (or she) rest in peace!

BTW, who in the hell was "Glass Spiegel" and why do the Far Right Wing-Nut conspiracy theorists (aka Romneyzombeys) believe the Clinton Administration "effectively killed" him or her?

Please cite your sources!
And don't forget Bush managed the economy out of the dot.com bust from the Clinton years, as well as the financial mess from 9/11; a mis -managed security threat Clinton handed Bush .
No not Spiegal Tex it's Glass-Steagall. Look up the Glass-Steagall Act. It has something to do with the way banks function. Financial institutions are either Commercial Banks or Investment Banks they can't be both according to the Glass-Steagall Act. It's better if you just Google it and read on your own.
JD from now on just call it the GSA. LOL

No not Spiegal Tex it's Glass-Steagall. Look up the Glass-Steagall Act. Originally Posted by acp5762
Don't tell me, tell JD! I wasn't the one who initially shifted the conversation toward who or what mysteriously "killed Glass Spiegel." That distinction lies squarely on JD's shoulders!

This effectively killed Glass Spiegel in 1999. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We have all known for quite some time that JD lives in his own sheltered world. Facts be damned!
I can’t wait to see this inept president out of office. If Obama isn’t elected, or if he starts trailing badly in the polls, watch how quickly the stock market turns around. He is so fucking anti capitalism he has scared everyone into cash positions. There has never been so much cash sitting on the sidelines. I took most my money out of the market the day that the market started crashing after the housing bubble. Sure I took a little hit, but not nearly as bad as those that rode it all the way down. After the worse seemed to be over, I got back in and made some pretty good gains. I got back out a couple of months ago and am pretty much back in a cash position.
How the hell can any investor feel comfortable with this guy in office? It’s one attack on free enterprise after another. Hell, I know Dems hate success, but even Bill Clinton had enough sense not to openly attack capitalism. Remember when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts, he immediately went on a tour touting how he was coming back for the rich later. Fuck, how confident does that make you feel?
How many times have you heard the Democratic leadership and Obama bash corporations for having historic cash reserves and not hiring? Are they that fucking stupid? Corporations are supposed to hire without additional demand? Yeah, why not? Business is down, all economic indicators are down, let’s just hire new employees to stand around with their thumbs up their asses! For God’s sake, can we quit electing so many fucking attorneys and get a few economists and business people in the congress and senate?
Watch how quickly the markets turn back around when we get this idiot out of office and money starts flowing back into the markets.
You voted for Obama to prove that you aren’t a racist, now vote against him to prove that you aren’t an idiot!