NCNS by cameron.leah.milf -- but I went down laughing

  • 12-21-2015, 10:02 PM
I don't play very often so have not experienced many a NCNS -- but they sure sting like a bitch.

The new (to SA) and lovely and well-reviewed Cameron set a date for 6:30. I was the perfect gentleman on the communication side. Read her incall was generally in Castle Hills area. Let her know I was heading over and asked for more specific location.


Cameron and her RGV doubles partner Vanity have built quite a nice rep in short time so this was quite disappointing.

Anyway, I took a few shots at calling and texting, all to no avail. Then ... I just started riffing with silliness and randomness and (I thought) comedy. Half-hoped I would entertain her into hooking up as planned. Probably just freaked her out -- but hey, at least I was COMMUNICATING! Ha!

So it was pretty good material IMHO, so I thought I would share my one-sided text conversation with y'all:

Hola, mi amor. This is XXXX. I'm just leaving work downtown and will stop at home to freshen up. Just checking in to make sure we're still set for 6:30 and to get a location.
I'm around 410 and Vance Jackson. Are we good?
Talk to me, sweetie ...
It's OK. I'm patient. But persistent!
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
It's XXXX, of course! We have a date!
But ... But ... I bought you this cute little Christmas gift! You gotta find out what it is! (Seriously, it's kinda cute.)
No choice. You force me to resort to poetry. This from SA legend Carmen Tafolla:

¿Quien somos, las Mujeres del rebozo rojo?
las que esperamos siempre luz
hambrientas las gotas rosadas,
del rocío matutino,
buscando en la noche ...
Ooh! Spurs vs Pacers! (But just isn't the same as a date with Cameron!)
You gotta admit it -- I've made you laugh or smile at least twice. Right?
(After one-hour of continued radio silence):
I'm still here! All is forgiven! Ha!

Still would love to see this gal, but such a shame to act this way.

Had also popped my first-ever Little Blue Pill, so was doubly annoyed at prospect of wasting it. Plan B worked out fine though: Slid over to VIP, where the Amazonian Serena has returned. My gosh, she's just wonderful. A must-see, even if you're not usually into AMP.
Maryland's Avatar
Sounds like you handled the NCNS with class and salvaged the evening. Well played, sir. I don't do the AMP scene but perhaps need to give it a try.
Im a milf..and available
MedCenter incall
ck1942's Avatar
Assuming, I am that all of the above happened yesterday, and, suggesting, I am, that perhaps waiting 24 to 48 hours might have brought a reasonable explanation.

Otherwise ...

What size T-Shirt?

We have a few leftovers from aspd daze.
SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
Had a semi NCNS with this same provider. Set appt. for 8PM same night 2 hours in advance. Was told Castle Hills area and specified inside the loop. Sent text at 7:45 for address and got location outside the loop. At 8PM arrived and texted for apt# and got a had to step out will be back in 30 minutes. I also knew about the NCNS habit she has and had a plan B.
zip210's Avatar
So sorry..I like MILF's..and I guess I was just lucky in seeing her last week..all went pretty easy in the communications for me anyway!!
  • 12-22-2015, 11:39 AM
Family emergency was the official explanation. I'll buy that. But I don't by the inability to handle simple quick work communication -- even in this particular business.

And I speak from very recent, raw experience. My wife suffered through cancer all summer, with many trips to the emergency room. She finally passed away Nov. 3.

It was not beyond me to send quick word to MY job.
I'm sorry I had a family emergency... When it comes to family my work life completely stops... I'm sorry I wasn't able to make the apt that we had a greed upon. Please understand that my life doesn't revolve around working all the time.. I have priorities
rex-man's Avatar
Sorry for your evening.

Can has always been stop on for me but with these gals I am always ready for the oops.

Can't tell you how many times I have wasted the little blue pill.

Hope that you give her another shot, she is worth the wait.
sully1234's Avatar
+1 Rex-man
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... Please understand that my life doesn't revolve around working all the time.. I have priorities Originally Posted by cameron.leah.milf
Which clearly don't involve honoring your word.

Maybe you should consider posting this disclaimer in your showcase and ads.
Daracus's Avatar
How hard is it to text this horndog back several little words? IMHO UNACCEPTABLE!!!!
moebeedick's Avatar
I'm sure these other gentleman, like myself, sympathize with your family emergency and definitely don't want to come off as callous. On the business side of things, a quick text to your appointments could probably have remedied the situation. Nothing long, just a simple, "hey honey, terribly sorry, family emergency. Can we reschedule? Thanks for understanding!" Took a whole 20 seconds to write. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Again, hope every thing turns out ok with your family issue! :-)
Get over it - the lady apologized. I have yet to see her, but with great reviews and very good rates, she remains on my to do soon list.