Michele Bachmann Goes Totally Nuts and Even Her Own Party Attacks Her

BigLouie's Avatar
On the floor of the Senate Wednesday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) repudiated Rep. Michele Bachmann’s (R-MN) McCarthyesque witch-hunt to root out the alleged Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. government. The flap started when Bachmann all but directly accused Secretary Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin of working on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood in a letter with four colleagues to the State Department’s Inspector General demanding an investigation.
While some Democrats have taken Bachmann to task for the charges, some Republicans, like House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Rogers (MI), lauded her witch-hunt.

Enter McCain, who put his foot down today and chided his fellow Republicans for the accusations against Abedin. McCain brought up his personal relationship with Abedin, adding that she “represents what is best about America.” He noted Bachmann’s letter and its sourcing to a report from notorious Islamophobe Frank Gaffney‘s Center for Security Policy (CSP). He then said:

To say that the accusations made in both documents are not substantiated by the evidence they offer is to be overly polite and diplomatic about it. It is far better, and more accurate, to talk straight: These allegations about Huma Abedin, and the report from which they are drawn, are nothing less than an unwarranted and unfounded attack on an honorable citizen, a dedicated American, and a loyal public servant.

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) lead the charge against Bachmann, demanding “credible, substantial evidence” to back up her accusations. Bachmann then penned a long letter responding to Ellison, which he rightly dismissed as “16 pages worth of repeated false allegations. Just regurgitated nonsense.”

But Bachmann’s response to Ellison did adjust her sources. While many of the 59 footnotes are still dubious — such as those linking to the Islamophobe Steve Emerson’s group, the Investigative Project — she dropped the sole source cited in her initial letter to the State Department: Gaffney‘s CSP. In his request for information, Ellison had noted that Gaffney — a sometime Bachmann adviser and booster — had been “widely discredited.” McCain, who said he had worked with CSP and considers Gaffney a “friend” nonetheless called the accusations in the report “scurrilous.”

Not only McCain but the Republican Speaker of the House spoke up also.

House Speaker John Boehner is the latest top Republican to slam allegations by also-ran GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann that Huma Abedin may be infiltrating the U.S. government for the Muslim Brotherhood.

The longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the wife of former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, was placed under suspicion in a letter from Bachmann to inspectors general at the State Department and other government agencies.

“I don’t know Huma, but from everything I do know of her, she has a sterling character,” Boehner told reporters on Thursday, according to Politico. “And I think accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous.”
Never-mind misread the title thought the it said Michelle Bachman totally swallows nuts... was hoping to find a link.
joe bloe's Avatar
Huma Abedin is a good friend and confidant of Hillary's. Her brother is apparently connected to al-Qaeda. She's also married to Anthony Weiner; this is one strange person. I'm not comfortable with someone like this being bosom buddies with the Secretary of State. Just imagine if Obama surrounded himself with radical leftists. Oh wait, he does.

Excerpted from dianawest.net:

Huma Abedin is the sister of Hassan Abedin, who, as reported at Shoebat.com, "has collaborated with an al-Qaeda godfather Omar Naseef and Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, two of the most influential terror supporters in the world."
Besides being Hillary Clinton's top aide and Hassan Abedin's sister, Huma Abedin is the daughter of Saleha Abedin.
Saleha Abedin belongs to the 63-member leadership of the Muslim Sisterhood, the female counterpart of the Muslim Brotherhood.

I'm not comfortable with someone like this being bosom buddies with the Secretary of State. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Who the fuck cares what Joe the Bloehard is "comfortable with?" You act as though your opinion matters! Get a grip on society Dude. You are wayyyyyyy the fuck out out of the mainstream!

Earth to Joe the Bloehard: Your Far Right Wing-Nut opinions only matters to those idiots you sip Tea with, Michelle Bachman included!
I thought it said she had grown nuts.
I thought it said she had grown nuts. Originally Posted by ekim008
Nah, Michelle Bachman did not grow any nuts. According to eyewitnesses, MB stole Joe the Bloehard's "nuts." She was quoted as saying that it was apparent that poor ol' Joe B. had never shown that he had any balls, so she might as well try to get some use out of them!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
She doesn't get any dick either. unlike joe.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Bachman was way out of line on this one. The implication is that since her brother is a terrorist, she must be advising Hillary to do things that the terrorists want done. The exact opposite is more likely. She'd be able to give Hillary much better insight into how the terrorists are thinking, which should help Hillary do her job better.

Hillary is the only member of the administration with any balls. She does a good job as long as Obama leaves her alone. And Obama won't fuck with her, he knows that one word from her, and he is out the door.

It's time for Michele Bachman to move back to Minnesota, full-time. Or maybe she can get a job with Fox News, or possibly become the token conservative on MSNBC. She'd fit in there.
Hillary is the only member of the administration with any balls. She does a good job . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There you have it folks! StupidOldFart is sucking up to Hillary hoping he will be chosen as her 2016 Campaign Manager in Wichita.
BigLouie's Avatar
Let me ask Joe this. The Bush family has very close ties with the Bin Laden family. After 911 it is a well known fact that Bush rushed a number of Saudi's out of the country before the FBI or anyone else in LE could question them.k So should Bush be investigated for terrorist ties also?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't make him an offer he can't understand...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Louise, you said that the Bush family had "very close ties" with the Bin Laden family. Where did you get the "very close ties" cut and paste? Since the Bin Laden had cut Osama off isn't that a good thing. Having ties with people who thought their nephew, cousin, son, uncle was nuts.

About three years ago when people started talking about Hillary's COS I looked her up and it did say that her parents and family had ties to the Muslim Brother hood. Now since the Brotherhood has become defacto bad guys that information is no longer there. That is the problem with the Internet. Unlike paper someone can come along and change what was written or done before.
BigLouie's Avatar
Are you that uninformed JD? The ties between the Bush and Bin Laden family is well documented. Just Google the term and see how many stories you have about it.
State Department secrets pipelined to Islamists ; why is that so farfetched?
She doesn't get any dick either. unlike joe. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Almost. I think you meant" joe IS a dick".

Hi joe, still have me on ignore?