trump's biggest promise was his biggest fail.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
The douche-bag's wall. Do I need to say more?
He stole money from defense to give it to a donor from N. D.
He said Mexico would pay and lied his ass off when they told him to suck the national dick. He sucked it and the Russians have the tape. Trumpys donated blow jobs to NRC to help pay off his debt.

Merry Christmas to all. I hope trumpys live a long time so we can remind them constantly how little they matter.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The douche-bag's wall. Do I need to say more?
He stole money from defense to give it to a donor from N. D.
He said Mexico would pay and lied his ass off when they told him to suck the national dick. He sucked it and the Russians have the tape. Trumpys donated blow jobs to NRC to help pay off his debt.

Merry Christmas to all. I hope trumpys live a long time so we can remind them constantly how little they matter.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yes, Trump has failed on his promise to build his wall. Could not get funding from Congress.

But I put his failure to repeal and replace Obamacare as his biggest failure since healthcare is one of the top issues on the minds of people in this country. Republicans had 7 years to come up with a better healthcare plan than Obamacare and they tried to give us the AHCA (American Healthcare Act) which thanks to some Senators who defied Trump failed to pass. Then Trump ignored healthcare for the most part for the next 3 years.

Trump also gets failing grades in my opinion on immigration policy, foreign relations, and race relations.
  • oeb11
  • 12-26-2020, 07:30 AM
From those with a slanted NY Crimes viewpoint of the world.

Thank You and I hope you had a very merry Christmas!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The wall was never going to get done. And it yet won’t. Healthcare was another of his impossible promises. Would he have made such ridiculous promises without knowing anything about them? Of course. Would he have made them without believing his mod would swallow it hook line and sinker? Maybe.

Trump only knows the gangsta way. And you fools are surprised?

That’s why oeb has become such a bitter man. All day every day he tries to post something positive and uplifting about the political world, but his side demands loyalty for assholes, Apparently he cares more for assholes than truth and justice.

Do you have a cogent and constructive comment for this thread, oeb11? Or are you just here to squeeze your bitterness out on the rest of teh inmates?

Seek professional help, DOTY! You seem to be obsessed with Assholes.
lustylad's Avatar

He said Mexico would pay and lied his ass off when they told him to suck the national dick.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
How soon the open borders lib-retards forget! Or are you just trying to rewrite history?

Trumpy DID make the Mexicans pay for tightened border security! He threatened to slap tariffs on all Mexican imports unless they cooperated, remember? They quickly agreed, adding 15,000 troops to their side of the border and forcing asylum seekers to wait in Mexico.

Even your favorite libtard news source NPR reported the story.

Why dontcha take Hunter Biden’s dick out of your mouth and start paying attention?

Maybe you can start another thread about how illegal crossings are spiking again in anticipation of Sleepy Joe's open borders policies?

Word travels fast!

Is your pal George Soros back down there in Honduras paying people to start northbound caravans? George is a real patriot - just like you, right dickmuncher?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Failure? The wall is still being built and Bei Jing Biden is talking about spending money to tear it down. Talk about failure and spite. The talk about Mexico's financial obligations is called flummery. Get used to it as you're going to hear so much from Biden (if he survives taking the oath).
The failure on Obamacare is on the GOP and not Trump. He did his part but idiots like McCain couldn't do their part.
Of course to offset any purcieved failures, we more peace in the Middle East that Kerrey said was impossible.
The destruction of the Islamic state inside Iraq which is something that Obama couldn't do.
The awakening of the threat of China which Joe will go back to sleep if he isn't already.
The revealing of the size and scope of the deep state.
The criminality of the democrat party and Hillary Clinton.
Rebuilding of our military
Renewed support by our NATO partners.
A vaccine in record time.
The saving of over a two million lives based on CDC measurements and predictions.

Come on, face it little girls. Trump beat your asses bloody and the only way to get any traction against him is to lie, cheat, and steal. Doesn't say much about your cause does it? And Trumps not going away.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
First off, fuck off.
Whenever you are going to lie, you start off with drinking or your cocksucking habit.
Your link said nothing about paying for the wall. Mexico is stepping up enforcement. That has nothing to do with construction.
But you knew that. Because you were talking about sucking dick.
Here is a politifact link.
It clearly shows you're a lying piece of shit.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it less than bambi's dick but what the hey?
Typical trumpy trying to blame someone for getting banned other than the douche-bag himself.
Come back when you're telling the other words, fuck off.
How soon the open borders lib-retards forget! Or are you just trying to rewrite history?

Trumpy DID make the Mexicans pay for tightened border security! He threatened to slap tariffs on all Mexican imports unless they cooperated, remember? They quickly agreed, adding 15,000 troops to their side of the border and forcing asylum seekers to wait in Mexico.

Even your favorite libtard news source NPR reported the story.

Why dontcha take Hunter Biden’s dick out of your mouth and start paying attention?

Maybe you can start another thread about how illegal crossings are spiking again in anticipation of Sleepy Joe's open borders policies?

Word travels fast!

Is your pal George Soros back down there in Honduras paying people to start northbound caravans? George is a real patriot - just like you, right dickmuncher? Originally Posted by lustylad
winn dixie's Avatar
Munchie, you think you could not post such insult laden posts? Maybe you should take some time off.

First off, fuck off. ONE
Whenever you are going to lie, you start off with drinking or your cocksucking habit.two
Your link said nothing about paying for the wall. Mexico is stepping up enforcement. That has nothing to do with construction.
But you knew that. Because you were talking about sucking dick.three
Here is a politifact link.
It clearly shows you're a lying piece of shit.four
I'm sure you'll enjoy it less than bambi's dick but what the hey?five
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Nice subject change.
Trump is hiding in the basement. Plus Biden said nothing about tearing the wall down.
You're lying as you try to hijack the thread.
Your bullshit means the same to me as it always has.
Not only are you a proven liar....that's enough for me.
Trump isn't going to live 4 more years. The gop will make sure of that.
Failure? The wall is still being built and Bei Jing Biden is talking about spending money to tear it down. Talk about failure and spite. The talk about Mexico's financial obligations is called flummery. Get used to it as you're going to hear so much from Biden (if he survives taking the oath).
The failure on Obamacare is on the GOP and not Trump. He did his part but idiots like McCain couldn't do their part.
Of course to offset any purcieved failures, we more peace in the Middle East that Kerrey said was impossible.
The destruction of the Islamic state inside Iraq which is something that Obama couldn't do.
The awakening of the threat of China which Joe will go back to sleep if he isn't already.
The revealing of the size and scope of the deep state.
The criminality of the democrat party and Hillary Clinton.
Rebuilding of our military
Renewed support by our NATO partners.
A vaccine in record time.
The saving of over a two million lives based on CDC measurements and predictions.

Come on, face it little girls. Trump beat your asses bloody and the only way to get any traction against him is to lie, cheat, and steal. Doesn't say much about your cause does it? And Trumps not going away. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump isn't going to live 4 more years. The gop will make sure of that. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

If the know what's good for them.
winn dixie's Avatar
If the know what's good for them.--posted by 9500

What? Que?

adav8s28's Avatar
Yes, Trump has failed on his promise to build his wall. Could not get funding from Congress.

But I put his failure to repeal and replace Obamacare as his biggest failure since healthcare is one of the top issues on the minds of people in this country. Republicans had 7 years to come up with a better healthcare plan than Obamacare and they tried to give us the AHCA (American Healthcare Act) which thanks to some Senators who defied Trump failed to pass. Then Trump ignored healthcare for the most part for the next 3 years.

Trump also gets failing grades in my opinion on immigration policy, foreign relations, and race relations. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Good post Speed Racer. He also mismanaged the Pandemic, big time. The republicans do not have any answers for Health care.
  • oeb11
  • 12-26-2020, 02:32 PM
Thank U - 'a' - and your answer is socialized medicare for all - aka 'berniecare"
Which means rationing medical care and hundreds of thousands o deaths at the hands of DPST "death committees" to force American patients to meet the national Budget aims.

The only time in history DPST's are concerned with 'Overspending".

you DPST's do love your authority and control - and any Lie is just fine if it meets your goal of an Orwellian America. The concept that a public servant iselected to Serve the People is anathema - see Gov gruesome and Inslee and Brown, cuomo and Dumblasio, H..., and the Biden family crime syndicate! for a start to DPST thirst for Control and Power uber Alles!

Thank You - DPSYTs
eccieuser9500's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar
Thank U - 'a' - and your answer is socialized medicare for all - aka 'berniecare"
Originally Posted by oeb11
Wrong again 'o'. I am for Group Health insurance from the employer for companies that offer health insurance to their employees. I am for keeping the ACA for the individual market. A self employed person like a plumber would be in the individual market. Biden is for the same thing, Group health insurance from the employer and keeping the ACA.

Bernie and AOC are for a single payer system like Great Britain and Canada. Biden is not for that and has stated so several times.

BTW when you turn age 65 and if you are in the individual market, you will be on a single payer system called Medicare. Why is that because health insurance companies don't want to insure or write a policy for someone who is 65 years old or older. You are deemed to big of a risk at that age, even if you could pay the premium without government assistance. Why? At age 65 there is a high probability you will submit a claim for something.

Health insurance is all probability and risk, if think otherwise you are fooling yourself.