Love YOU SO MUCH San Antonio - Goodbye for a While

Carlie Kors's Avatar
I wanted to thank all of you gentlemen in SA over the years. I'll be going on an indefinite hiatus. Maybe a month or two. Thank you all for the support and time and we will reconnect sometime in the future.
Best wishes to you, beautiful.
ck1942's Avatar
Sorry we never got to connect.

Enjoy the break and best of luck going forward.
joey76's Avatar
Wish we could have met up. Now I will be left to wonder how hot it would have been.
Best wishes gorgeous!
FootLong's Avatar
Carlie, you are a sweetheart. Glad we got to meet on a prior visit. Enjoy your hiatus. Take care!
pickupkid's Avatar
kisses take care
SpursFan's Avatar
Thanks for the fun, enjoy the break.

Enjoy the break and wherever life takes you, sweetie!!