Hello anothe realmers good to be here!

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I just joined this site and noticed a severe lack of alternative reviews. Meaning a lack of TS reviews. I just had my first date with a TS and I wish I could say that it was all I fantasized it to be. I have not sated my curiosity and will plow into this arena more to explore it to my full desire. Hopefully others will be brave enough to join me once they see one take the first step. I don't have time to write the review but I plan on later tonight or ver very soon. I will try to make it as informative as well as entertaining. Thank you all and hopefully you will be as receptive and understanding as I go shall I say "out of bounds"? Stay tuned.
Welcome to the Realm, Out_of _Bounds....

There are a few TS here, maybe one will sate that desire.....

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Hi! And a very heartfelt welcome!

missi hart's Avatar
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
So does the BCD still apply the same here also? I know stupid question.
Reviews count the same everywhere on the board... With the same security.

Welcome to the board! Glad to have you here!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Such a shame PPE. From some of the threads I've read the ladies expressed interest in this subject matter. Oh well, dem's da rules.
Yup, they are, lol.

geck's Avatar
  • geck
  • 11-22-2010, 10:24 PM
Welcome! I think it would be great to have some alternative reviews!
lilsmurf's Avatar
Welcome Out of bounds,
Post up, whatever your
Realm is. Its all good here.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
GAAAAH!!!! Just wrote the whole f#@*+/¤ thing! Timed out and got deleted! Notepad! Notepad! Notepad! I'll do it later. Tired now. But it is coming.
DallasRain's Avatar