How does paid PA show up

ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 10-25-2013, 09:48 AM
How does paid premium access show up on your CC bill. I know this has been discussed - just couldn't find it.
Mojojo's Avatar
It's a third party billing company so it wont show up as Eccie if thats what you are concerned about sir.
ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 10-25-2013, 01:11 PM
What would it show up as. This is a joint cc. So I need a deniable reason - like it's a software company
Mojojo's Avatar
It shows up as CCbill......i would advise you to look into the money order form instead. Save yourself the headache.
ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 10-25-2013, 05:00 PM
Thanks for your help. Actually some of my legitimate software stuff shows up as ccbill. That's a very common 3rd party biller that I could easily explain. I've had that on the cc multiple times.Thanks once again. It's great when mods really do help - LOL.