This guy is bad news; he has got to get the boot in November...........
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 12:21 PM
hell yeah, get him out.

A president that cant control people who are too fucked up to work needs to go.

There is aboslutely no doubt Romney can weed out the disabled as soon as he takes office.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep if you go to the SS office the vast majority that are waiting are not of retirement age but are looking for disablility.
I know of one man that has applied for disabilty (though he has no disability) and has been truned down but his family tells him he is going to the wrong offices and he needs to go to such and such city because they are a lot better at granting disability.

The other is the 99 weeks of unemployment where people have become so used to not working that when their 99 weeks run out they will go and get a job and stay only as long as it takes to rack up another 99 week eligibility and then gt themselves laid off or fired.
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  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 12:29 PM
good to know youre fimiliar with the inside of the SS office and who is there
Last I checked Obama is in charge of the Social Secuirty Administration which isn't doing squat about judges like this...................
boardman's Avatar
Last I checked Obama is in charge of the Social Secuirty Administration which isn't doing squat about judges like this................... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Looks to me like some enterprising individual needs to open a brothel/liquor store at the impoverished intersection of West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio.
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  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 12:45 PM
last time I checked the president is in charge of the entire country, but that doesnt mean he is directly decides who qualifys for what, when or where. Unless of course all you have to do is dream up some inane rhetoric and stand in the corner and point fingers like a third grader.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 12:51 PM
Looks to me like some enterprising individual needs to open a brothel/liquor store at the impoverished intersection of West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. Originally Posted by boardman

Pussy Whiskey Guns N Ammo R Us

Im waiting on the CO right now

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Chica Chaser's Avatar
No suprise you dont want to hold Obama accountable for anything over the past 3 years - high unememployment, high gas prices, high defeicits, debt, high foreclosures, high food stamp participation, high disability enrollments, record student loan debt, record rounds of golf played, fast and furious, yada yada.........

last time I checked the president is in charge of the entire country, but that doesnt mean he is directly decides who qualifys for what, when or where. Unless of course all you have to do is dream up some inane rhetoric and stand in the corner and point fingers like a third grader. Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 01:35 PM
Ever been by this place in Uvalde? Originally Posted by boardman


no, but Ive been to Uvalde on the way to Camp Wood (no pun) ..
boardman's Avatar
It's right there just south of the intersection of 55 that goes to CampWood right by the railroad overpass.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
NO this isnt Obamas fault, this isnt Bush's fault.
Being legally blind and eligible for disability gives me some insight into the process and who populates the SS office.The difference is that I choose to continue to work as long as I possibly can rather than to take the path of least resistance.
The standards are not hard to meet as long as you are not capable of performing substantial work. That is an interesting word, substantial. For me it is 20/200 corrected in the better of the two eyes and not capable of performing substantial work.
The neat thing about ss disabilty is you collect at the same amount as if you had reached full retirement age but you can only earn a little over 7000 a year in income.

the truth is the massive progression of the quality of our healthcare system has prolonged the lives of people that would have normally died such as thos on dialysis add to the disability rolls in numbers greater than could have ever been anticipated. Tough to do substanitial work when you are hooked up to a dialysis machine 5 and 6 hours a dy 3 or 4 days out of the week.
then you have cancer survivors that have severe neuropathy form the chemo therapy and on and on.
Obama will actually reduce the number on ss disability through his Obamacare once it is determined that the value of the treatment far exceeds the value of the life and treatments are not allowed.
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  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 01:53 PM
It's right there just south of the intersection of 55 that goes to CampWood right by the railroad overpass. Originally Posted by boardman

for a town that caters to hunters the store owner has the right idea...

Unless it wasnt there (been a while since Ive been in that part of the country) I dont know how I missed it. 19 Mile Crossing on 55 north of Uvalde is a pretty spot ... great scenery between Camp Wood and Rocksprings too.