An overdue thank you

yteranger's Avatar
I don't hobby much anymore. Finances and life are not what they once were and I frankly do not have the energy in my old age. However I still will see the occasional companion and frequent this board every few days just to keep up with whats going on. I generally have nothing to contribute so I don't post much but need to thank those of you that do. I gain very valuable info from these boards as well as a few laughs. So to all of you who post on a regular basis, thank you. I appreciate all of the updates and I will attempt to contribute whenever I have something worth saying. Good luck to all and be safe.
livn2do's Avatar
Back atcha YT
Irish14's Avatar
Back atcha YT Originally Posted by livn2do
+1 YT... I know this board and some of it's participants have helped me tremendously as well!!! I've recaped my fair share of amazing experiences but have also shared my lowest moments in the Hobby no matter how embarrassing. I do so in the hopes that someone, somewhere can learn from my victories and defeats. Good luck to ya sir!
x"CY"ting's Avatar
+1 yt
Gladiator69's Avatar
Yeah YT, we got a pretty good bunch of guy's and gals on here that really go out of their way to help. I have relied on many members on here many times for help and support and really appreiciate them as well. Nice thread my friend. Don't be a stranger
I agree with Gladiator; this is a great group. Like a few others, I have stepped back from the hobby for a "short" while. Too much drama with the SO right now so I am just staying out for awhile. I know there are a couple that will be back when the weather warms in the spring that I will be off the bench to see.

Take care everyone - you all do a great service! Keep each other safe.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I have to agree that it's a good group. Unfortunate in a way because I've had no cause to spank the ladies lately. They have been naughty BCDs and not on the board.
livn2do's Avatar
Marcus I know of several ladies, BCD or not who would welcome a spanking from you.
DallasRain's Avatar
yteranger's Avatar
Dallas, may I extrapolate by your tour schedule that you'll be in the DSM area some time this summer? I owe you a giant thank you as well and can't wait till you're back in town!
DallasRain's Avatar
I will be that way probably in may
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Big boobied hugs to you YT