Wetwork Daddy's Avatar
A reflection for public discussion:

I have gone from thinking first Twain, then Steinbeck and then King was the Shakespeare of our time. I was wrong. It just might be:


Please Discuss. I will follow-up in a few hours (I am getting too old for midnight premiers), but I will leave you with this thought.

Shakespeare was great for one reason: his ability to make to make old tales new and relevant to the point of being timeless. He understood the power of dense words and iconic images and the exact blend needed to tell stories in a powerful way that resonates for generations. For the mere craft and mastery, compare Stan and Will.

See you in a few hours if you think this is worthy of discussion in the D&T Salon.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Mark Twain has always been one of my favorite authors, but IMO he is firmly placed in the 19th century. I consider The Grapes a Wrath a very important book, but I would pick contemporary William Faulkner over Steinbeck for his ability to plumb the depths of the human condition and put it on paper. Other authors to consider are Studs Terkel and, maybe, Ernest Hemingway. The Spider-Man series began just as I was outgrowing comic books, so I only read a couple of them. I have read nothing by Stephen King; hence, I am unfamiliar with Lee’s and King’s written works and know them primarily through movies.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I always marveled (lol) at the success of the Spider Man franchise.

Peter Parker was a sniveling wimp of a human being. An embarrassment to all males.
Wetwork Daddy's Avatar
IBH: I forgot about Faulkner--still like Steinbeck a bit more. If you want to read something decent from King, avoid his pulp fiction. You might want to try The Stand.&nbsp%3B If you like Faulkner and Steinbeck, you will like that.

MA: I agree, never much cared for Spiderman.

If you saw Branagh's Henry V and enjoyed it, you will like Thor.
Great movie. Don't forget to stay after the credits for a teaser of the next film leading toward Captain America.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 05-09-2011, 09:56 AM
Or miss the teaser in the middle of "Thor" when the man from shield chose a bow and arrow instead of a gun(Hawk?}, or near the end of "Iron Man 2" when what looks like Captain America's shield is used to level the new power source.
I kinda thought that guy with the bow and arrow had to be someone special. I'm not too familar with Hawk. I'm curious how much Samuel Jackson gets paid for making so many brief camo in all those movies.
MY comic friend said the bow and arrow guy is most likely a character that will be playing in another movie. I'm not sure if it's the avengers- but there is a reason he specifically took the bow instead of the guns.

I don't usually watch comic movies so I always leave before the credits end!! I missed it on Iron man too luckily I can find the teaser on Youtube.