Does joe think he won his Senate seat?

winn dixie's Avatar
I refuse to watch the *asterisk election stealing dementia joe and his hooker kumallah! They do not represent me or any of you all!
libs fell for the rope a dope biggly!
Mail in ballots are not secure!
The faith in the election process has never been lower!
We need a complete overhaul in the election system to prevent this from happening again!
txdot-guy's Avatar
You are dearly mininformed. Many of our states use mail in ballots some for more than a decade.

Colorado has had universal mail-in elections since 2013.

Oregon was the first state in the country to move to universal mail-in elections 20 years ago.
Washington State moved to its current universal mail-in election system in 2011.

President Trump himself and overseas military use mail in ballots.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What a treat. Watching you fall apart.
Stop and think about it.

As little as you meant before, now you mean even less!

trump tried to cheat, got caught, and was voted out of office.
It's not our fault you decided not to vote. You thought the fix was in.

And now you'll pout, kick, and scream.

And you continue to blather.
Maybe if you cry loud enough we'll let trump have another 4 really....come on.....squeal!
I refuse to watch the *asterisk election stealing dementia joe and his hooker kumallah! They do not represent me or any of you all!
libs fell for the rope a dope biggly!
Mail in ballots are not secure!
The faith in the election process has never been lower!
We need a complete overhaul in the election system to prevent this from happening again! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yep. Maybe in 8 years
Wimp Dixie is my absolute favorite Idiot. It used to be Wacky Kid but damn man your level of ignorance and stupidity belies yourGED. I love it man. Keep the whine coming. Lemme tell ya something.

Trump lost the popular vote by 5 mil. That’s more than the population of the state of Louisiana. More than most of those red states that make up middle America.

Joe won. Trump lost. There’s gonna a insurmountable lead in the electoral college. Because you don’t feel he’s your president is irrelevant. He’ll respresent you anyway. Trump got fired and we made America great again.

Let’s do it.
Trixie reminds me of an incredibly spoiled child. One that constantly whines when he doesn't get his way.

News flash Trixie -- this is not a good look for you. You are exposing yourself as being extremely lame and pathetic. And of course you have always done this, but you have really your level of moronic stupidity to uncharted heights this past week.
matchingmole's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar

You wearing Daisy Dukes too?

Historically about 20% of mail in ballots have been disqualified!
txdot-guy's Avatar
Historically about 20% of mail in ballots have been disqualified! Originally Posted by Beaum3tx2

The question is why are they disqualified? Is it fraud or simply mistakes on the part of the voter? And that doesn't mean the other ballots are fraudulent either. Forging ballots is difficult to do in any large quantity. It's much easier to just not count ballots that you think are not good for your side. Isn't that what they did in the 2000 Florida elections and what Trump tried to do in this election in 2020. Get them to stop counting valid ballots by claiming fraud.
adav8s28's Avatar
I refuse to watch the *asterisk election stealing dementia joe and ....... Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why, they don't have any televisions at the AMP?
LexusLover's Avatar
[I][B]You are dearly mininformed. Many of our states use mail in ballots some for more than a decade.

President Trump himself and overseas military use mail in ballots. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Now I know what "mininformed" means.

There is a distinction between sending in a request for a mailin ballot when the request requires identification and a signature, which is matched with the number assigned to the request when returned.

The "signature" is one issue this year ... since some "election officials" (as opposed to the legislature) proclaimed that mailed ballot signatures didn't have to MATCH the request document. ..... then bags of mail in ballots started showing up in ditches and elsewhere marked "Trump" .... after being processed at the Post Office!

Then dead people started mailing in their ballots ... etc... and some from one state started showing up in other states.

Like I said: "mininformed" ... CNN didn't report that did they?

The DimboCrats probably don't want to establish voter fraud as an acceptable form of "protest" like they have vandalizing, burning, looting, beating, and shooting. But that's ok.

Most who participated in the voter fraud probably thought they were working so hard illegally to get Bitten in the White House ... not Kumola!
No proof of fraud presented to the courts. Why? Because some allegation on Twitter is not evidence. Trump has none and therefore can’t present any. The only people that believe there is fraud are Trumpys, because he says so, not because he has provided any proof.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think we can add LLIarMan to the list of rage whiners.

I haven’t seen this much screaming and yelling since they took McRib off the menu!

Doesn’t he know that all those Trump ballots were eaten by SHARKS????
Rage whining. I like that.
winn dixie's Avatar
I think we can add LLIarMan to the list of rage whiners.

I haven’t seen this much screaming and yelling since they took McRib off the menu!

Doesn’t he know that all those Trump ballots were eaten by SHARKS???? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I like fried pies!
Havent had a mcrib in a long time.
I miss Grandys! That was good eatin' right there!