Encounter: Harper oh Harper

User ID: -
Date: 7/14/2021
Name: Lady Harper
Phone: She provides
Email Address: mailto:Ladyharper@protonmail.c om
URL / Website: -
City: Little Rock
State: Arkansas
Address: Hotel
Activities: See RoS
Hair Length and Color: Beautiful long brunette hair
Age: 20’s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Around 5ft. Tight package with incredible MM. Tattoos but very tasteful. Absolutely beautiful.
Recommendation: Yes
Great review! I really like Harper.
farmncityboy's Avatar
Great review! I've always wanted to meet Ms Harper!
CH Luke's Avatar
Glad you got to experience the trademark Harper Hospitality! Very unique young lady to be treasured...

She’s such a cool breeze against the backdrop of global warming! ha
Picksix's Avatar
She’s such a cool breeze against the backdrop of global warming! ha Originally Posted by CH Luke
I bet she’s causing everything to be hot