Encounter: Night with Ginger

Tailpuller69.5's Avatar
User ID: Ginger Doll
Date: 07-20-2021
Name: -
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=17895
City: Bentonville
State: Arkansas
Address: -
Activities: A night of greatness
Hair Length and Color: Long and red and beautiful
Age: -
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Gorgeous! All of her is gorgeous
Recommendation: Yes
Ginger cannot read ROS so you cannot talk to her there. If you want to send her a
Message do it in another spot in the review. Perhaps you should list some of the activities in which you participated in the ROS section.
Is this an encounter review or an ad? Im confused.
Murf76's Avatar
Sounds like a review to me. With as many positive reviews as she has, it's easy to discern how good Ginger is in the sex department. Maybe what Tailpuller is trying to tell us concerns some of her "other qualities" that come about when you spend the night with her!
biomed1's Avatar
Regardless of his intent, we are left with what he posted.
As it is, there is precious little information to assist his Fellow Hobbyists.
Recommend that he read the info in the following link:
Should he then wish to contact me to provide additional information, I can edit it into the review.

Additionally as a reminder to some of our slightly more experienced Members
The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Good effort on review. Bio will help if you want credit OR give it a little time and she'll help make it sound like a dream came true.
Murf76's Avatar
Ginger IS a dream come true! I've spent many an evening with her and I can guarantee you two things. You're going to have a good time f*cking and a f*cking good time!!!!!! I've had multiple hour dates with a lot of providers over the years and some of them, I couldn't wait for the time to end. With Ginger, it seems like the time flies by too quickly! That's as honest as I can be!
Ginger IS a dream come true! I've spent many an evening with her and I can guarantee you two things. You're going to have a good time f*cking and a f*cking good time!!!!!! I've had multiple hour dates with a lot of providers over the years and some of them, I couldn't wait for the time to end. With Ginger, it seems like the time flies by too quickly! That's as honest as I can be! Originally Posted by Murf76
For as much experience as you claim you have 5 reviews in 5 years. 2 of them of Ginger. Not what I'd call a lot of providers.....
Murf76's Avatar
For as much experience as you claim you have 5 reviews in 5 years. 2 of them of Ginger. Not what I'd call a lot of providers..... Originally Posted by arealone
That's just on this board. I had quite a few on TER under my old handle before it took a sabbatical and then a large number now-defunct STLASP in St. Louis. There are several reasons as to why I don't write many these days. First, I always ask the provider if she wants one. A lot of ladies would rather not have any since they fear the drama that some reviews can cause. This area of the ECCIE Board is a perfect example. A guy posts a review (probably his first ever) and right away he takes heat for his reporting. Using Ginger as an example, she is strong enough and has a good enough reputation that she can handle this kind of "stuff". Other ladies just don't want to be harassed like that. Second, Most of the ladies I see are repeat visits. Sometimes they do things for me that they don't normally do with other clients. I would hate to put something in a review and then have her come back on me for putting her in a position she doesn't like. Third, I really only care about what a lady does when she's with me. Any other time is her personal life. When some "difficulty" begins between two providers, there is so much that goes on behind the scenes that we, as clients, will never know, I've found that it's better to be sitting on the sidelines because both sides have a story and most of the time, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. If you want to get involved with drama, my advice to you would be to get married. And, that, dear sir, is a brief synopsis of my 35 years in the hobby.
biomed1's Avatar
For as much experience as you claim you have 5 reviews in 5 years. 2 of them of Ginger. Not what I'd call a lot of providers..... Originally Posted by arealone
Many times questions such as the above are best handled "back channel".
You can achieve the answer to your question(s) in a manner that do not appear to impugn the integrity of another Member in the public forums.

Kudo's to Murf76 for responding in Gentlemanly manner.