Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?

BigLouie's Avatar

With the stock market hitting new highs, some people have already forgotten about the Great Recession.

Recall 2009. Things looked pretty bleak economically.

But the outlook has changed dramatically in just 4 years. And it has been a boon for investors, as even the safest indices have yielded a 250% return (>25% annualized compound return

Read the article.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All the FED has to do is hint that they will stop purchasing bonds in the open market and the stock market drops like a stone.
If it were not for the increase in domestic drilling and oil production on PRIVATE lands, this nation would have thousands of soup lines.

The sequester, that Obama initiated, is one of the few things that are working to reduce the deficit. I still wonder where all of the huge savings went from stopping the war in Iraq and the draw down in Afghanistan. Oh wait, it went to the NSA to build a huge network of spies on the general public.

Ust think how much tax revenue would be lost from a collapse of the stock market and the vaporization of the value of the yet untaxed 401Ks.

On a similar note. We have invested huyge amounts of money is solar and guess who the biggest customer of the product is? If you guessed the government you go to the head of the class. Not only do we pay for them to produce them, we pay to buy them from ourselves.
All the FED has to do is hint that they will stop purchasing bonds in the open market and the stock market drops like a stone.
If it were not for the increase in domestic drilling and oil production on PRIVATE lands, this nation would have thousands of soup lines.

The sequester, that Obama initiated, is one of the few things that are working to reduce the deficit. I still wonder where all of the huge savings went from stopping the war in Iraq and the draw down in Afghanistan. Oh wait, it went to the NSA to build a huge network of spies on the general public.

Ust think how much tax revenue would be lost from a collapse of the stock market and the vaporization of the value of the yet untaxed 401Ks.

On a similar note. We have invested huyge amounts of money is solar and guess who the biggest customer of the product is? If you guessed the government you go to the head of the class. Not only do we pay for them to produce them, we pay to buy them from ourselves. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
2Pups is right. I miss the good ol' days of the George W. Bush Administration, most especially September 15, 2008.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-20-2013, 08:46 AM

With the stock market hitting new highs, some people have already forgotten about the Great Recession.

Recall 2009. Things looked pretty bleak economically.

But the outlook has changed dramatically in just 4 years. And it has been a boon for investors, as even the safest indices have yielded a 250% return (>25% annualized compound return

Read the article. Originally Posted by BigLouie
No. That is just dumb.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
All the FED has to do is hint that they will stop purchasing bonds in the open market and the stock market drops like a stone.
If it were not for the increase in domestic drilling and oil production on PRIVATE lands, this nation would have thousands of soup lines.

The sequester, that Obama initiated, is one of the few things that are working to reduce the deficit. I still wonder where all of the huge savings went from stopping the war in Iraq and the draw down in Afghanistan. Oh wait, it went to the NSA to build a huge network of spies on the general public.

Ust think how much tax revenue would be lost from a collapse of the stock market and the vaporization of the value of the yet untaxed 401Ks.

On a similar note. We have invested huyge amounts of money is solar and guess who the biggest customer of the product is? If you guessed the government you go to the head of the class. Not only do we pay for them to produce them, we pay to buy them from ourselves. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You nailed it - new sources of domestic oil, deficit spending, and QE2 are the obvious reasons we aren't totally in the shitter. Unemployment is still high, yet Democrats want to import new voters, even though they and their families will have to be fed. In the old days Democrats wouldn't have wanted immigration, because it gives lots of cheap labor to the greedy Republican led corporations and torpedoed the unions, but they don't care about anything but power and talking points these days - both sides.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2013, 09:08 AM
You nailed it - new sources of domestic oil, deficit spending, and QE2 are the obvious reasons we aren't totally in the shitter. Unemployment is still high, yet Democrats want to import new voters, even though they and their families will have to be fed. In the old days Democrats wouldn't have wanted immigration, because it gives lots of cheap labor to the greedy Republican led corporations and torpedoed the unions, but they don't care about anything but power and talking points these days - both sides. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

tell everyone how IMPORTING new voters works ..
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
tell everyone how IMPORTING new voters works .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Making illegals into citizens who will vote Democratic
the answer is simple- NO

obama has done much to further dependency on government

he has done much to divide americans along racial and economic lines

he has done much harm to the constitution and the notion of man's rights and from where they derive

he has done much damage to our constitutional republic and our system of reward and our work ethic

all these things will have terrible effect into the future, far past his time in office, and the harm is yet to be felt in its fullness
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2013, 11:57 AM
Making illegals into citizens who will vote Democratic Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer


With the stock market hitting new highs, some people have already forgotten about the Great Recession.

Recall 2009. Things looked pretty bleak economically.

But the outlook has changed dramatically in just 4 years. And it has been a boon for investors, as even the safest indices have yielded a 250% return (>25% annualized compound return

Read the article. Originally Posted by BigLouie
If this is your idea of good, I'd hate to see what bad looks like.

Many companies are showing good bottom lines because they laid off all the deadwood. Once they got profitable again, the stock values went up.

Unfortunately, that left us with millions more unemployed and with stagnant wages for everyone that lacks a college degree and even for some that DO have a college degree.

If lots of new jobs have been created over the last five years, all of those newly unemployed workers would simply have moved into new work. But companies that previously got burned are holding onto cash rather than investing - at least until the business climate is more predictable.

And the government has been miserable about creating new jobs. No surprise there.

So we are left with unemployment generally between 8% and 9%, lower pay among existing jobs, and new jobs that generally involve flipping burgers.

And, the feeling is inescapable that all we are doing now is building another bubble with all of the money we are printing. Hence, the reason companies are holding onto cash. Cash is king in a recession.

But, hey, Wall Street got taken care of by the bailouts and the Dow Jones is back up to where it was before the last bubble burst.

I hope you don't plan on retiring. Working until you die or until you are into your mid-70s is about to be the new normal.
If this is your idea of good, I'd hate to see what bad looks like.

Many companies are showing good bottom lines because they laid off all the deadwood. Once they got profitable again, the stock values went up......

And, the feeling is inescapable that all we are doing now is building another bubble with all of the money we are printing. Hence, the reason companies are holding onto cash. Cash is king in a recession......

But, hey, Wall Street got taken care of by the bailouts and the Dow Jones is back up to where it was before the last bubble burst.......
Originally Posted by ExNYer
the stock market has gone up because interest rates have been kept low by the fed

coupled with an inflationary concern....when there is inflation or an anticipation of inflation ...asset prices rise...

the increase in the money supply has not yet caused massive inflation because inflation requires two things... 1. supply (of money) and 2. velocity (loaning of it and the spending of it) (money chasing goods), no one believes much in this economy save the people in the wagon, not the people pulling the wagon, so not much velocity

cash will not be king in inflationary times, hard assets will be; until such time as we obtain velocity, yes, people will be keeping thier powder dry
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
When you are in the desert and you see a Coke machine with a blonde next to it, it is probably a mirage just like this stock market. Your posting demonstrates that you have absolutely no idea how this works. The stock market has risen because the fed has bought into at $85 billion a month for the last year and a half. When Bernanke spoke of ending this practice the market stalled. What happens when it ends?

As for all your investors, what about the people who lost their jobs and still don't have one. How about the people working more than one job to makes ends meet? What about the people who can't get a full time job because of Obamacare?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Dont forget all the tax increase he has placed on middle class Americans even though he said he would not. But then again, what has he told the truth about.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

With the stock market hitting new highs, some people have already forgotten about the Great Recession.

Recall 2009. Things looked pretty bleak economically.

But the outlook has changed dramatically in just 4 years. And it has been a boon for investors, as even the safest indices have yielded a 250% return (>25% annualized compound return

Read the article. Originally Posted by BigLouie
BigLouise, didn't all the liberals predict an economic calamity because of the forced federal spending cuts? So, which is it - disaster or economic boom times?