Sometimes you should just quit while you're ahead

IABart's Avatar
Had an amazing 3 week run through last Friday.

Was hoping to cap it all off yesterday and sail off into the sunset.

Should've called it after the pinnacle on Friday, but decided...."one more...gotta...."

I know now what "YMMV" means-reputable person, top reviews. From the start this one had "disaster" written all over it. Had an out but didn't take it. Oh well, live and learn.

When you're at the top of the mountain, stay up there and enjoy the view for awhile before you come back to earth.

I won't be climbing any more peaks so I'll settle with where I landed, but to those 3 who made the last 3 weeks amazing (you know who you are-).

livn2do's Avatar
Where are all the reviews?
Cheer up Iabart, shit happens to everyone
Where are all the reviews? Originally Posted by livn2do
But overall your hobby experience was GREAT from the sounds of things. Stay positive and those fun memories will outweigh the one not so fun one.

IABart's Avatar
My momma taught me never to kiss and tell, and my daddy taught me, just make something up no matter what, the more outlandish, the better.

So the truth lies somewhere in between!