Hellory says bittten should never concede election...UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!

The bitch thinks they're going to get in the White House in 2020 one way or another...fuck the voters!! Sounds like the is going to be another chapter from the 2016 play book...the bitch saying Trump wouldn't except the results...and the bitch never excepted the results of HER loss!!

Hillary Clinton Reveals the Democratic Plan and says Biden ‘Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances’

Wow, sounds like Hillary Clinton was just a little too honest about the Democratic plan come November in a new interview.

Remember how she said in 2016, that to not accept the results of the election was a threat to democracy? Then she went on to continually call the results into question herself and has never reconciled herself to her loss.

We’re starting to see all the numbers move toward Trump. That’s one of the reasons they have been pushing so hard for mail in voting. It’s the one way they can hope to try to change the result and/or call the election into question.

Now Hillary Clinton is letting the cat out of the bag, making it clear they wouldn’t accept the results if President Donald Trump wins a close election.

During an interview on The Circus with a former aide, Clinton said that Joe Biden should not concede “under any circumstances.”

She tried to paint it as somehow a problem with Republicans actions while she’s literally saying Democrats will not accept the norms of our elections. Democrats, masters of projection. Just like they claimed it was Trump colluding with Russia while it was Hillary and the DNC actually paying for foreign information to undermine Trump.

“So we’ve got to have a massive legal operation, and I know the Biden campaign is working on that,” she said. “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually, I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is,” Clinton told former aide Jennifer Palmieri.

She’s basically admitting up front their plan: don’t accept the results, legally challenge everywhere and hope to win with mail in voting. We saw in California with ballot harvesting how that changed results from clear Republican victories into Democratic “wins.” They’re hoping to come away with it again, which is why they have wanted to throw so much to mail in voting because they know it’s their only chance.

But if they don’t win, they can further call the election into question and stoke chaos.
Lapdog's Avatar
He has to lose in order to concede, junior.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
She looks like a wax mummy that would have parts break off if she moves.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Everybody knows Hillary Clinton’s is calling all the shots.

Some plan, eh! Great story.

This buds for yous.

He has to lose in order to concede, junior. Originally Posted by Lapdog
The DNC convention was a real winner...now go sniff some asses.
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2020, 05:15 PM
H... is making the point the DPST's feel 'entitled' to win teh election - and put in their radical marxist harris as POTUS.

Failing that - they and the LSM will stoke riots, looting arson, and destruction on a countrywide scale - until their conspiracy is noted - and the entire DPST party leadership is arrested for sedition - and all the marxist bastards are hanged~!
Lapdog's Avatar
Come sniff THIS, junior. Hey, you like crow? Get used to it. There's gonna be an abundance of it come November, junior. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. there's pineapple crow, lemon crow, coconut crow, pepper crow, crow soup, crow kabobs, crow creole, crow gumbo, crow stew, crow salad, crow and potatoes......
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2020, 06:48 PM
If Biden is elected - all white owned property will be confiscated as 'reparations' for OBLM..
and when the DPST terrorists come for 9500, LD, and the rest of teh Marxist DPST brigades - No One will speak for You, either.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I love to watch how emotionally charged and insane these people are.
HoeHummer's Avatar
If Biden is elected - all white owned property will be confiscated as 'reparations' for OBLM..
and when the DPST terrorists come for 9500, LD, and the rest of teh Marxist DPST brigades - No One will speak for You, either. Originally Posted by oeb11
I love to watch how emotionally charged and insane these people are. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Rights yous are!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He has to lose in order to concede, junior. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Biden will lose because he's a loser. do you really think now is Biden's time to become president? if he was destined to be president he already would have been. Obama told him not to run, as his former VP because he knows what a fucktard Joey is.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Biden will lose because he's a loser. do you really think now is Biden's time to become president? if he was destined to be president he already would have been. Obama told him not to run, as his former VP because he knows what a fucktard Joey is. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Yous are one Wacky guy, eh!

Trump is a fucking clown car and all of this idiots came flying out of his presidential trunk!

Like this crazy broad!

No wonder Donnie Junior looks like a fucking (freedom of speech)head!

Is that what winnings looks like to yous, Wacksy?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Yous are one Wacky guy, eh!

Trump is a fucking clown car and all of this idiots came flying out of his presidential trunk!

Like this crazy broad!

No wonder Donnie Junior looks like a fucking (freedom of speech)head!

Is that what winnings looks like to yous, Wacksy? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if yous say so shorsey
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Yous are one Wacky guy, eh!

Trump is a fucking clown car and all of this idiots came flying out of his presidential trunk!

Like this crazy broad!

No wonder Donnie Junior looks like a fucking (freedom of speech)head!

Is that what winnings looks like to yous, Wacksy? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

yer just jealous. kimberly Guilifoyle is a hot babe and is with Don Jr., not with you.

I think need work on pulling those thongs of yours.
LexusLover's Avatar
The DNC convention was a real winner...now go sniff some asses. Originally Posted by bb1961
Or some Laps.