This is the "gate" of all "gates"...

Since the 1972 Watergate incident all political scandals have "gate" attached to them. I believe the Obummergate incident...the attempted to bring a coup against Trump through political means is the scandal of all scandals.
This piece from the American Thinker is excellent in the comparisons to Watergate showing that this new scandal make Watergate look tame.
Send him to Gitmo
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
This "gate" has so many heads it should be called hydragate.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
or medusa-gate!
I B Hankering's Avatar
or medusa-gate! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
E gad...
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually "Watergate" was a smear campaign to take down Nixon, which is about the only similarity with the current events.

To put it in perspective the folks who engineered the 3rd/4th rate breakin to an office building while leaving traceable evidence behind and who had lawyers present to get them out of jail before the news even hit the papers/TV .. had years before conducted a covert breakin of a psychiatrist's office and removed files from his "secure" storage area and left TOTALLY UNDETECTED and never identified until years later in the aftermath of the Watergate investigation of their "amateur" office breakin to set up Nixon. Go look at their histories and "employment" records during that time.

If one goes back to WWII and does the research one will discover that the U.S. intelligence personnel developed a sweetheart "colluding" relationship with the Mafia to accomplish two major operational activities: connect their Italian brothers in Italy to sneak covert operatives into Europe and to enlist the port workers in the U.S. ports to monitor the comings and goings of "aliens" entering the U.S.

Fast forward to Kennedy and Cuba (aka the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the Cuban missile crisis) with the ousting of Batista the Mafia lost their money laundering cash-cow playground and the solidification of the Castro regime by failed Cuban policies laid the ground work for retaliation against the Kennedy's along with Bobby who as AG ran an anti-mafia campaign. Kennedy wasn't like by the intelligence community from the get go.

Nixon, who had Florida mafia neighbors, knew too much.

So does Trump.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
What I remember is that Nixon gave no orders to do anything illegal unlike say a presidential candidate who orders her staffers to smash cell phones, destroy SIM cards, and wipe hard drives.
Now Nixon did try to cover for his people who did break the law kind of like the FBI covering up Hillary's crimes under orders from...who? So far the trail stops at Loretta Lynch but did she do this on her own? Probably acting orders from one person who can legitimately give her orders.
One charge against Nixon was lying to the American people. Not illegal but impeachment is a political process not a legal one. How many lies did Obama tell the people?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
How many lies did Obama tell the people? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Why don't you tell us.
LexusLover's Avatar

Now Nixon did try to cover for his people who did break the law

One charge against Nixon was lying to the American people. Not illegal but impeachment is a political process not a legal one.

How many lies did Obama tell the people? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Actually, CONSTITUTIONAL impeachment is a LEGAL PROCESS.

BTW: Nixon was not "covering" up the burglary. He was giving "cover" to himself and others in his administration who were aware of it ... and most of the convictions arising out of it were based on perjury to Congress during the investigation.

Unfortunately, people in "authority" FEEL they have to be "all knowing" and as consequence when asked a question they give an answer when an "I don't recall" is the preferred response rather than "Yes" or "No"! That's why I refer to "I don't recall" as the "Republican Answer"! In the hearing there were a lot of questions about conversations and memos. Who remembers whether they did or not do something 2 years ago on a specific date and at a specific time ... UNLESS it is something that person who never do and KNOWS THEY NEVER DID IT ... in which case the witness must recognize that the "factual" basis for the question came from SOME SOURCE ... which means someone else has testified to the contrary .... begging the "I don't recall" answer!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Why don't you tell us. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why? Since January 2010:

Do you still have the same insurance policy and doctors?

Are you still paying the same insurance premiums?

Have health care costs remained the same or been reduced?

How about the rest of the CITIZENS? The same?

Just a beginning ... of reality ...

Let me guess! It was Bush's fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Why don't you tell us. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

It was a video

There’s just a couple.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Now you know it will become an argument over semantics that you convince yourself that you won like when Trump said he was "wiretapped" and the media argued that no one was wiretapped anymore. Therefore Trump was we know better. Barr says that Trump was being "spied" on and the goes out of their way to say that surveillance is not the same as spying. So Obama lied about his healthcare bill many times, Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, and the Iran deal. Then you'll say that I don't have it right.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Impeachment is a political process masquerading as a legal process. You can impeach someone for something that is not a legal crime.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

It was a video

There’s just a couple. Originally Posted by bambino
In order for a statement to be a "lie" it must be

"to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive".

Did Trump lie when he said Mexico would pay for the wall? If he knew Mexico would not pay for the wall when he made the statement, it was a lie. If her really thought he could make Mexico pay for the wall when he made the statement, it was an error in judgement.

When Obama said that under Obamacare a person would be able to keep their doctor, did he lie or did he make a statement that turned out to be untrue? The statement was made many times by many people.