Laceyy is spreading her old game around
It’s the same person and it’s a scam, just fyi …
Possibly she is targeting tourists, who knows… I guarantee you that she’s in Pensacola right now…
Cavalier Gentleman's Avatar
As an occasional visitor to the emerald coast, I do appreciate the heads up.
No problem sir, she’s been playing this game for years, she’s actually an attractive woman, it’s a shame, she got me a long time ago… I do my level best to keep her from getting anyone else…
are you sure that is her - Lacey?

Reason I ask is if you were running a scam why limit the potential to scam as many people as possible given the ad states "no African Americans".

Just wondering.
I have no idea, maybe you should ask her yourself, just don’t give her any money… if you do, I’m willing to bet that you’ll wish you hadn’t… on the other hand, if you’re going to be stupid, you better be tough…