Targets of assassination

berryberry's Avatar
Samuel Alito claims he has ‘pretty good idea’ who leaked Dobbs draft, says it made justices ‘targets of assassination’ by the crazy ass leftists

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito revealed Friday that he has a “pretty good idea” of the identity of the person behind the leak of his draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade last year.

Alito, who wrote for the majority in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, told the Wall Street Journal that the unprecedented breach “created an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust” inside the nation’s highest court.

“We worked through it, and last year we got our work done. This year, I think, we’re trying to get back to normal operations as much as we can … But it was damaging,” Alito said of the unauthorized release of his draft opinion to Politico in May 2022, more than a month before the final Dobbs ruling came down.

An investigation into the leak was ordered by Chief Justice John Roberts, but the marshal of the Supreme Court, Gail Curley, said in January she had been unable to definitively determine the leaker’s identity.

“I personally have a pretty good idea who is responsible, but that’s different from the level of proof that is needed to name somebody,” Alito told the Journal.

Despite Curley’s failure to finger the culprit, the justice told the Journal that she “did a good job with the resources that were available to her.”

The 73-year-old conservative justice also said that he is certain of the motive behind the leak.

“It was a part of an effort to prevent the Dobbs draft … from becoming the decision of the court. And that’s how it was used for those six weeks by people on the outside — as part of the campaign to try to intimidate the court,” said Alito, arguing that justices thought to support overturning Roe were “really targets of assassination.”

“It was rational for people to believe that they might be able to stop the decision in Dobbs by killing one of us,” Alito said of threats that emerged after the leak, including the arrest of an armed man outside the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh — days before the ruling was announced.

Alito also recalled being forced to speak to law students at George Mason University in northern Virginia via videoconference about 10 days after the leak following the intervention of local police.

“Our [Supreme Court] police conferred with the George Mason Police and the Arlington Police and they said, ‘It’s not a good idea. He shouldn’t come here … The security problems will be severe.’ So I ended up giving the speech by Zoom,” he said. “Still, there were so many protesters and they were so loud that you could hear them.”

Today, according to Alito, he feels safe in large part because he is “driven around in basically a tank, and I’m not really supposed to go anyplace by myself without the tank and my members of the police force.”

The justice dismissed an alternative theory that a conservative trying to lock five justices in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade may have been responsible for the leak, calling the idea “infuriating.”

“Look, this made us targets of assassination. Would I do that to myself?” he asked.

“Would the five of us have done that to ourselves? It’s quite implausible.”
HDGristle's Avatar
This deserved more discussion, IMO.
berryberry's Avatar
Your fellow leftists here don't care. They support the assassination attempts on conservative supreme court justices
HDGristle's Avatar
That type of extreme tea leaf reading of silence is one of the reasons there's so few even-handed and productive discussions.

It's more likely that they don't care. Or this thread got pushed off the first page too quickly by your anti-tranny campaign.

Pretending that a lack of interest in engaging with you makes someone pro-assassination is bananas as a hot take.

He doesn't know who it is. Alito's trying to grind an axe while he has a conservative majority. I think there's a case to make that he did it.
let's just say some of us can't see berry's post anymore.
berryberry's Avatar
It's more likely that they don't care. Originally Posted by HDGristle
As I said - Your fellow leftists here don't care.

And the reason they don't care is that the targets are conservative supreme court justices. It is easy to figure out why
HDGristle's Avatar
Don't care about engaging with you doesn't mean ok with conservatives justices being assassinated.

That's the logical leap. You see that, right?

And again, I'm not a leftist. Right leaving moderate. The persistent need to label as left or right are one of very things that the justices themselves need to avoid. This is not binary.
berryberry's Avatar
Don't care about engaging with you doesn't mean ok with conservatives justices being assassinated.

That's the logical leap. You see that, right?

And again, I'm not a leftist. Right leaving moderate. The persistent need to label as left or right are one of very things that the justices themselves need to avoid. This is not binary. Originally Posted by HDGristle
LOL, no they engage when they can try and bash Trump or support trannies and illegals or denigrate women's rights. But in this case, they simply don't care that the assassination targets are conservative supreme court justices. It is easy to figure out why

And please, nearly every position you advocate for here is leftist. If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it is a duck. Quit trying to fool people and embrace your full leftist self
HDGristle's Avatar
Most positions I take are designed to poke the ultra-right vocal minority.

It's similar to how Alito baits liberals when he very well put this out himself but wants to toss folks off the trail about what really happened. I'm just using different chum, chum.
berryberry's Avatar
If lying to yourself is what helps you sleep at night, have at it

Back on topic, the leftists made the conservative supreme court justices targets of assassination - and Senile Biden's DOJ refuses to do anything about it.
I think there should be a few investigations into SCOTUS, including any Judges bought and paid for by Right Wing billionaire Harlan Crow. Luxury yacht trips, letting a Judges mother live rent free in one of his homes, paying for the tuition of a Judges child… all of this seems like a conflict of interest for Clarence Thomas.
berryberry's Avatar
I think there should be a few investigations into SCOTUS, including any Judges bought and paid for by Right Wing billionaire Harlan Crow. Luxury yacht trips, letting a Judges mother live rent free in one of his homes, paying for the tuition of a Judges child… all of this seems like a conflict of interest for Clarence Thomas. Originally Posted by Mistershark
This thread is about the person who leaked the Dobbs decision from the Supreme Court and who made the conservative Supreme Court Justices targets of assassination.

Do you support the person who illegally leaked the decision?

Do you support making the conservative Supreme Court Justices targets of assassination.

Do you support Senile Biden's DOJ ignoring the law and not arresting the protestors harassing the justices and their families at their homes?