Your opinion please

I was browsing through ads on BP and I noticed some that say 'ECCIE reviewed' and 'P*** verified', etc. While I know that our little fantasy land has gotten some notice, do you think it is a good idea for things like that to be included in a place that is even more scrutinized?
I am one of those that mention this just for sheer principle. If a lady screens with all her might, one wouldn't really have to worry about it. I know I learned my lesson off of a work reference alone
Just thought I would bump this up, since there is a review thread along the same lines.
TiCobra's Avatar
I was browsing through ads on BP and I noticed some that say 'ECCIE reviewed' and 'P*** verified', etc. While I know that our little fantasy land has gotten some notice, do you think it is a good idea for things like that to be included in a place that is even more scrutinized? Originally Posted by Nicolet
I saw the same ads Nicolet...I don't think it's a good idea...and if you're a provider that's been "ECCIE reviewed" and P*** verified,why are you advertising on BP?
Thank you Dave for your post in that review thread!
What are you gonna do? Its commerce. Someone advertises there because I assume it is less expensive to do so. If they have reviews, they are going to include that information, so as to look better than the competition. I mean if you are a car and get better mileage, you are going to mention that, right? It is no surprise that Eccie and TER reviews are mentioned. I see many verified providers advertise there periodically. It is good business sense to mention the reviews if you place ads there. I dont think it is to try to bring down this site, p411 or TER, or to bring unwanted attention to LE. Its just business.
I saw the same ads Nicolet...I don't think it's a good idea...and if you're a provider that's been "ECCIE reviewed" and P*** verified,why are you advertising on BP? Originally Posted by TiCobra

to your question: and if you're a provider that's been "ECCIE reviewed" and P*** verified,why are you advertising on BP?[/QUOTE]

Because business is slow on the other sites and if no one is calling you got to do something to keep your self from going to straight bored...
DallasRain's Avatar
Great post Nic!

I have been lucky that I do not have to advertise on backpage......but if I did,I would jjust put "well reviewed on may popular review boards"

what tickles me more about BP is the stupid ass pics some of these gals post! lol
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
I saw the same ads Nicolet...I don't think it's a good idea...and if you're a provider that's been "ECCIE reviewed" and P*** verified,why are you advertising on BP? Originally Posted by TiCobra
Sad to say but some guys aren't so computer savy, they dont have clue about this hobby they just hear about BP Backpage BP (their light bulb goes off with a few other things lol)

Backpage gets the most buzz in lots of cities, I advertise there , and depending on what city you are in Backpage is where to advertise.

I personally started there and know lots of people that have. Some only advertise on Backpage, and are reviewed on ECCIE/TER/& other places. There are still some good clients shopping on backpage believe it or not. Hell I've seen many porn stars even still advertise on Backpage.

But I do feel like you shouldnt put all the info on where your reviewed, but thats just MO, Maybe say reviewed, those that want to know will find the reviews or ask you about it.

If I ever put anything on BP it might be my P411 ID# but nothing else
I use BP too, and met some terrific guys there. But I would not bring more attention here than what there is already. I've never said anything about reviews or specific verification sites. Besides, any guy who has an ounce of smarts will do his research before spending his hard earned money, no matter what the cost is.
But in case some ladies aren't aware, if you post your P411 ID on an ad, ANYONE can see it. With things being what they are lately, I would rather keep it in the family, so to speak!
annie@christophers's Avatar
Think backpage brings in the most money...I also am not so dumb as to think LE isnt already here and been here for quite a while. Its scary out there kids stick with who ya know or take your chances. Name of the game boo!! xxoo annie