
Hi guys... Got a request for doubles with SknyDiva... talked it over and she will be coming down for a visit after 8/5. Was wondering if anyone else was interested...

Am also going to be available for doubles with Keri after that time... Been around a little bit, decided to let some of the other girls get to know me...It's about that time... and in all the right ways..
(hobby world small and gossipy so I'm sure all you extreme enthusiast's know about SO and I), based on my recent reviews, you can see it hasn't effected me, but....Taking a Tay trip in a few days and will be gone until 8/5.... 3 states, 8 days, touching down briefly to repack suitcase... I'm a concert junkie, and splurged.... quite a bit.. giggles

So, anyways, email any one of us to set up something if you are interested... Just wanted to throw it out there.... Rock On!!!

"And that's all I gotta say about that...."
Forrest Gump

I can't wait for our doubles session. We're gonna have so much fun ;-)
oops wrong u girls will have fun no doubt! xoxo kisses
holmes50's Avatar
Can't help but like the way Nikki thinks......dayum.

Well Nikki,

I guess your rate is your rate.... As well, as our rate will be ours... Props to you for discounting your doubles, but this isn't an invite for you to join in, nor a place to be discussing your rates.... It honestly just sounded like you were trying to drum up business on a thread that didn't have anything to do with you.... Your rates should be lower than've done this a long time.... I'm new, just incorporating into my menu ..

And I'm sorry, no disrespect to you at all, but the line is drawn... get it?

"And that's all I have to say about that....."
Forrest Gump

skeeter's Avatar
Taylor ,
Nikki was responding to another thread about doubles rates and posted in the wrong place .... IMHO she wasn't hijacking your thread
Taylor ,
Nikki was responding to another thread about doubles rates and posted in the wrong place .... IMHO she wasn't hijacking your thread Originally Posted by skeeter

Then the proper thing for her to have done was delete it... I bet she'd be flipping bricks if I posted my rates under her new pictures.... Skeeter, I'm not trying to start a war or a cat fight, but that was BEYOND unprofessional... IMHO

oh wow Taylor i am certainly surprised???? lol
i posted on wrong thread and believe me no disrespect to you....i am sorry u feel that way and btw i wouldn't of cared if u posted on my thread i am not that person again, sorry if i offended u. xo
  • MrGiz
  • 07-23-2013, 03:29 PM
Good Gawd Almighty. . . Taylor Love , Jade (Skny Diva) , Keri , and Nikki. . . four of the absolute finest females I have ever met. . . anywhere on the planet!!

Taylor Love's Cumming Out Party. . . that's one hell of a fine ticket. . . no matter how it's paired up!! She's incredibly fine!!
Good Gawd Almighty. . . Taylor Love , Jade (Skny Diva) , Keri , and Nikki. . . four of the absolute finest females I have ever met. . . anywhere on the planet!!

Taylor Love's Cumming Out Party. . . that's one hell of a fine ticket. . . no matter how it's paired up!! She's incredibly fine!! Originally Posted by MrGiz
well thank you doll! You know I always enjoy your visits. And yes Taylor is incredibly fine! Love her :-*
I'm in! Tell SkynnyD to let me know the dates.

I'll start eating my Wheaties and drinking Gatorade in the morning...

DallasRain's Avatar
I hope to meet you when I get to Nola in a couple weeks Taylor!
I hope to meet you when I get to Nola in a couple weeks Taylor! Originally Posted by DallasRain


You are super welcome to stay here if you'd like... Keri, as well as clients that posted recent reviews can tell you about my incall...It's very nice, very convenient, and safe/discreet.... I decided to join the click... at least with the good ones.... giggles..... Message me when you are coming down to set something up if you'd like.. had a fantasy the other night of you doing not so nice things to me... ya never know, a bottle of wine, and well... maybe... would be game for some PSE doubles with you as well, as long as you break me in first.... teee heee heee.... Ultimate goal, honestly, to make very good friends with some providers that are out of town, and when I do my concert runs, they can "visit" here, make sure my house and my puppies are ok..... they are awesome, ask anyone that's met them.....So, keep that in mind..... would be ok for a few people that I could REALLY trust to have house keys....

DallasRain's Avatar
thanks so much for the offer sugar! I already have a place though....that was sweet of you to offer!
I will holler at you and maybe get to be naughty with you too! IHmmmmmmmm what do you get when you mix a hot as hell gfe with a dirty girl twisted gfe/pse?? hot damn doubles! lol