Just asking....

I just moved back to NOLA, recently, and I pretty much knew what providers gave references, in Texas, but can all of you ladies who don't mind giving client OK's and References please post it here, and please post how you would rather I contact you for the said reference. I may not see many guys that some of you ladies see, (but remember different strokes for different folks), but I just don't want to grind my wheels PM'ing you or calling you, if you don't give out references.

Thank you ever so much ladies...

Melissa Madyson
DallasRain's Avatar
I prefer a phone call...please do not text me

I will help ya in any way I can

Gotcha.. and thank you..
I prefer texts... my google voice acts up quite a bit.
I prefer texts as well ;-)
I prefer emails or PM's. But if you text me I will save your number in my phone so that for future references I know who you are. I am very reference friendly and always try to provide as much info as I can remember. Hope to hear from you
Very very reference friendly here.

Email is best! PM if you can't email for some reason. I usually don't have my batphone turned on, so calls or texts might go unanswered for a while.
I prefer txt as well
Thank all of you lovely ladies who responded to my thread. I am hoping to meet all of you one day.
My # will stay the same for quite a while.. If I get a new # I will post it here. Ms. Melissa Madyson